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coworker crush


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Does it ever mean a little something if you and a coworker sometimes look at each other a certain way? Like you catch each other's eyes or something when walking by or saying hello..


Like for example today my coworker comes in in the morning and he has to turn to enter his office and i was sitting at my desk and as he is turning i look up and i see he is glancing at me as he enters and then i look down. I did think i looked better than I have compared to other days so maybe he noticed.


Other times nothing happens and no looks etc..this same coworker and i actually made out once last year..i don't think we were super drunk or anything..i knew what i was doing. I know nothing will come of it since we are coworkers and we both will probably be in relationships with someone else and he may even be in one at this point. He didn't pursue anything afterwards and remained "normal". But still, sometimes when you catch each other's glance it makes me wonder if something could be there you know?


It's always fun sometimes to have a crush anyway lol Just wanted people's thoughts.

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