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We met and knew we were meant to be together...now what?


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I'm sure most of you are aware of my story, I basically met a guy on a gaming site and talked to him for over 3 years, recently I had the chance to go visit him.


I knew I loved him and wanted to be with him as soon as I layed eyes on him, we instantly clicked. We spent every day and night together for weeks, it was really special.


I had to fly back home and we both cried, it was a really sad feeling which Im still trying to cope with.


I guess my question is, what do you do after you meet and you know you love this person? he lives on the other side of the world and i really want to be with him but i cant right now, how do you make it work?


I slightly feel like I've hurt myself more by meeting him and knowing that I can't be with him, knowing that i may not see him for a long time again. I just feel really depressed sometimes thinking about it

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it's up to you two re: what happens next.

But essentially one of you will need to work towards moving closer to the other or you'll both need to make a decision to head for somewhere neutral/new so that you can be together.

If you think he'd be receptive to that idea, then you could potentially have a brilliant future together.


Wishing you all the luck in the world

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Your story sounds just like mine. I met my fiance through gaming as well. Knew him for over 3 years "dated" for 3 months before we met in person. We knew that moment we met we wanted to be together so what to do next? We had to start making plans who was going to move. It made more sense for him to move to me because of my job plus it was easier on him to leave than it was for me. We will be together 2 years in a couple months and are getting married in the fall.

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