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What vibe was I supposed to get from this?

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My intention was to just basically using this opportunity to catch up with him. Yes it was pretty random I'll admit that, and he thinks so too. And yes if he did want to get ahold of him he could have. So it is obvious that he probably does not have feelings for me or have not been thinking about me, since he has not initated contact with me. When I brought it up to him, he said I didn't have your number.


So last night me and one of my exes talked on the phone with each other. It felt great to hear his voice again, it was soothing, welcoming and nice. He said it was nice to talk to me again too. We have not had any kind of contact with each other for like a year and a half prior to this. We had a great time telling each other what happened and what is currently going on in each other's life, however, I don't know where this goes from here on out. Does he want to keep pursuing this friendship with me? Or should I treat this as a nice conversation and let it go? Should I keep pursuing this friendship or not?


When I asked him whether we should hang out he said we will see what happens. When I asked him how often we should talk on the phone he said not a lot but every now and then (I defined that as once every two to three weeks and he said sure). Should I call him once every two or three weeks? Or should I stop pursuing this friendship? What about texting then? He also mentioned that I should not expect a lot out of this because we stopped talking for a reason(s) and those reason(s) are probably still there.


What vibe am I supposed to get from this? He was being nice and just saying something so I could get off his back without hurting me? Or was he being genuine? Or am I just thinking too much into this?


HELP please anyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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It doesn't seem as if he was jumping at the opportunity to reconnect with you. If anything he was putting clear conditions on how long you two can stay in touch. It's as if he was RE-acting to your initiation to catch up and be in contact. I think the following few months and even until the end of this year, would be better put to use in taking care of yourself, getting your confidence back, and finding what YOU want from a relationship. Reconnecting with an old ex after breaking up from your recent one is another way of avoiding dealing with the pain. But if you don't grieve and learn to embrace being alone and learn from the relationship, then it will come back to bite you in the butt later.

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