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Well it would have been 8 years today.....

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Hi Guys,


I'm at work at the mo, trying to deal with the fact that me and my ex should have been celebrating our 8th year together today.


This time last year she bought me a beautiful gold ring and took me on all expenses paid trip down to London to stay in a nice hotel and even go and see Phantom of the Opera at Her Majesty's Theatre.


I remember in the hotel she made me go into the bathroom and when I came out she had laid some lovely food out on the table with a cute little birthday cake she had got for me... (sorry, tears forming)


Oh how things can go so wrong in the space of a year. She left me 3 days before xmas and I havent seen her since. She sent me a text on my birthday (February) and then a coupe of emails the next day, after I told her I was going backpacking round New Zealand for a while (it was only a month, but I didn't tell her how long).


I'm getting better, but today is so hard, I still miss her so much. She was my babe and I can't imagine life with anyone else. We didn't even have a nasty break up, no arguing or anything. We have been together since she was 17 and I was 20, so I guess she has just grown out of me. I can accept that, and I accept that most young couples go on to experience other relationships - thats part of life, but.......... I still bloody want her!


I'm afraid I relented slightly today and sent her an email - nothing soppy or weak sounding - just something like 'Happy Anniversary, hope you're ok and everythings going well etc'.


Whether I'll get something back, who knows, maybe she still thinks I'm travelling, but I know that I've been giving advice to people on this forum and sometimes I forget to take that advice myself! No contact! Do you think i was foolish for breaking that rule today?


Well, maybe after today I will be ever closer to the fateful 'closure' - oh but for that tiny, tiny little wish still there right at the very depths of my mind hoping that she replies in the way I 'd love her to...

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Trying to contact her so soon will just worsen things man, She oviously needs time to think things a little. Im bloody sure you have almost an anxiety attack when checking your inbox dont u?. Same happens to me.


Give her some time. If she is the one then she'll come back. U need to think things too. U mention the things she did for u. But dont mention the things you've done for her. Was she expecting something back?.. I think it's time to reevaluate your own part of the relationship. Good luck, mate.

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OMG Juno, that description is hilarious. I was doing that today waiting for my email. On another note I don't think it's a good idea to keep in touch with your ex when you still have feelings for them. It's only been 4 months since my ex and I split. She is already over me. I love hearing from her but it just makes things worse everytime I get email from her. I start thinking about the past, I get sick to my stomach wondering how she just gets over it all so easy. I am at the point where I want to tell her to stop emailing because I need to get over it. I am just ashamed of myself because I let someone get to me so much. It's the worst thing in the world. They are like a drug, you want them so bad, but you know they are bad for you. I hope you have better luck Mjones, we need to break the habit and move on.

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mjones.uk ... I know how you feel. I have just posted on this forum the first time in my life "Should I just Let Her Go"


I just read what you wrote about how you feel about this woman, I have exactly the same feelings with mine. It's just she returned to me in need of an exorcision... All the sweet smile, care and love from her are now snarrls, snaps and putting as much distance between me and her as possible, and it's all happened so bloody quickly.. I am in the process of splitting with her now.... and we both have 10 days together "as friends" over April and May when we go to 2 weddings.. I is going to kill me..


Like you, I'm good at telling everyone else to sort their lives out but can't advise myself what to do in situations...


I don't think the message was a good idea... but i know I'll do the same thing in 6 months from now when my girl is in America doing her thing, without me...


Everyone I speak to says "Giver her space", "Live your life".. if it's meant to be it will be... The problem is how long do you tell yourself to hang on for?


Mate, I'm sorry I don't have answers for you, I trying like mad to get to grips with what has happened to my life in the last month.


I just wanted to let you know that I know where you are, and I'll probably be exactly the same as you in few months and I'm not looking forward to it..

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