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To call or not to Call? that is the question (UPDATE #2)

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Hey all check out my last post to understand my situation link removed


Well today is the exs bday I know I said I was not going to contact her but today I sent a short email. I wrote "happy bday, have a great day". That is it, nothing more nothing less. I did not do it for her, I did it for me. But I feel kind of conflicted about it. The reason why is because I do not want to hear from her, I do not want to get a reply, phone call or anything. I probably should have not sent anything but it is too late now. What do you guys think was it a bad decesion? I really do doubt that she wil even acknowledge it, but why would you when your heart is cold and callous. This is why i Feel like i never want to date her agian. Just curious as to your guys opinions, what would you have done, and was I wrong?

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I think that what you did was nice. If she is any kind of person she will atleast give you a Thank You. You to have a past together weither it be bad or not you were a part of each others lives. And you telling her Happy Bday is just a way of being nice. I dont think it was bad of you at all i think It shows what kind of person you truly are to be able to say ok u sucked at some point but im still telling you happy birthday lol ya know?

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