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Lunch with Ex..


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A friend of my that was mutual between us was pushing me to have lunch with her.. she is in a 'rebound' relationship at this time.. But she agreed to meet up and the mutual came along..


It went well, discussed our history and why the relationship went south.. Told me that her new bf was in his life where she is and might be the right partner to settle with.. But she was flirting with me by touching my arm and playing with her hair.. We have been friends for 17 years and she wanted me in her life however she can..


The mutual friend was joking about us getting back together and he thinks we will and she didn't say yes or no.. But was glad that i'm improving myself.. It's been 3 wks since she told me about him and maybe since end of Feb (we had a huge argument feb 22nd) they started talking.. BUT she told me they haven't done that yet..


Is she shooting me singles that it's possible or just having memories of the past.? I have been changing myself for the best not for her and she wants to help me improve.. Just confused on how this is going to end up.. She also said she is saving up money in case she has a baby (the other guy has a 17 and 11) and looked at me after she said it..


After the lunch she went to work and said continue to work on you. That's very important. It was nice catching.. Might just be friendly not looking to much into it..


Thx for letting me vent..

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I would say to meddling friend, "I love you, but you need to butt out. I don't want to hear another word about whutshername while she's with another guy. Unless you've got news of a complete breakup with newguy, she's off limits to discuss with me. Period."


Your ex knows how to reach you if she ever wants to reconcile. Anything short of that is a nose rub and a waste of your time. Focus on your own healing, and don't allow 'well intentioned' others to manipulate you against your own best interests.


Head high.

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