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a puppy dog i dont want to be!!


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hi...i posted earlier about this guy. we hooked up too soon. the decision was to not hook up until a more serious offer was on the table. he invited me out tonight...its going to be a large group of friends and should be pretty causal. but i have not heard anything yet. i dont want to just sit around like a puppy dog waiting for this guy. i also dont want to text myself because i want to make sure he is putting the effort into to having me there. i think the group usually gathers at like 5pm. its just after 4. how long should i wait on him before i make other plans? ](*,)

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This situation is really tough I say wait till a half hour before, and if you get nothing, move on with your life. I was in a similar situation and I was basically waiting on this guy like I had no brain of my own and it was a complete waste of me time. If he's not pursuing you, I'm sorry but it doesn't look good If a guy wants to be with you, he WILL make it known.

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hi...i posted earlier about this guy. we hooked up too soon. the decision was to not hook up until a more serious offer was on the table. he invited me out tonight...its going to be a large group of friends and should be pretty causal. but i have not heard anything yet. i dont want to just sit around like a puppy dog waiting for this guy. i also dont want to text myself because i want to make sure he is putting the effort into to having me there. i think the group usually gathers at like 5pm. its just after 4. how long should i wait on him before i make other plans? ](*,)


Always keep a backup plan in your pocket in case the date flakes.

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