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after a few months of little or no contact, my ex asked me to get back together with him. We broke up because he had feelings for another girl and I am being honest, it hurt me alot although i didnt show it. He went out with her for a while and realised that she wasn't the girl for him and he's been single about a month now and he's telling me that he realised what a big mistake he has made and that he loves me very much and he will prove it to me if i give him a second chance. The problem is I don't feel the exact way i did before but i still care about him alot. Since we broke up, i haven't been with anyone but i also didnt think of us getting back together, i just wanted to be single for a while......What should i do?

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I would say no, do not take him back. Be free for a while and enjoy the single life. Plus, like you said...you don't feel exactly the same way as you did before. It sounds like you got over him easy. If he really does love you and care, he'll wait. Just don't give in because you "feel bad."

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Hi there,

Do you still like him enough to give him another chance? He may be sincere about what he is feeling now. If you want to try again then do it.


Start slow and let him win you back. Don't jump right into it. Take your time.


Good luck

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I would give him another chance if he was GENUINE>


my motto is:


"First chances are given, second chances are EARNED and thirs chances do NOT exist!"


WEll, if he is willing to earn it then sure, go for it, but as muneca said, take your time.

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well i like him enough to try again and i honestly believe him but sometimes its hard to actually spend time with him because he's busy at work so i get confused as to whether or not he really is trying. I guess part of the reason also is that i started liking a friend of mine recently and although we are not pursuing anything, i know he likes me 2..and according to him, "what's meant to happen will find a way" so i dont want to give up hope on that just as yet..but i am not waiting around fr any guy to fall in love with me. what now?

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