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Day 29 of NC: Now I know he will meet me soon accidently. Advise? :(

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Day 29 of NC. 5th week after break-up. It seems that I was healing pretty well, except 2 breaks of NC - needed to send him first letter at week 1 and second letter at week 4. At those letters I wrote him that I'm forgiving him for everything and that it was a good idea to break-up. (I don't think so, but I read a lot about suggestions after break-up and how not to make a mistake when writing these letters). I feel good that I sent them, because I needed to say everything to make clear and sound confidently and positively. I didn't get any reply to the first one and the second one is still unopened.


It was a LDR relationship of 1,5 year. I don't know the real break-up reason, I was just dumped suddenly without any note. But now I think that it was my permanent jealousy to each female he met. I'm learning so much from my mistakes now and try to improve my self-esteem.


But yesterday I found out that I need to fly abroad to the little village where he lives because I have a job and living place there (different, but there's a big chance to meet each other). I will be working at the public place where he may visit ANY time. And just today I understood this situation in reality. I need that job and I'm going to work there for upcoming 3 months. But when I understood that he may see me any time, my heart went crazy. All the day I am trying to cope with the idea to remain strong when I see him (I don't know if he has a new gf or not). And I don't know how to behave or what to say. I want to remain friendly, so I would say 'hi' but what if he see me and ignores like all this time since break-up? What then? I can't carry this thought and all the day I can't stop myself crying in public places just out of the blue.

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You might surprise yourself when you get to this place. You might act completely indifferent to his face when you see him. Stick to NC. When you see him, by all means be civil and say hello. If he wants to talk then you can go ahead and make small talk..if not, then he is not worth it and needs to be mature. You can't guess what he's going to do, you just have to worry about YOU. Things will get better, no worries. If you need to cry in public, go to the bathroom, give yourself a pep talk, but don't feel bad about feeling sad. It's natural, let it come and things will be better in time.

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