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Should I ask my crush out? It's kind of unlike me to do so since I'm quite shy. I wanted to a while ago, but I was more afraid of rejection at the time that I didn't ask. I wanted to know that the feeling was mutual. I guess some people will say that if he was truly interested, he would've asked me out first. So that's also why I didn't do it. He never mentioned a girlfriend though or other girls, or shown dislike towards me so that's why I have a little more confidence to ask now.


I honestly think he's still clueless that I like him and the only way he would know is if I actually ask him out. He told me he's transferring after Summer and I didn't want to miss asking him before he's gone. We have exchanged numbers and I thought that was going to give him the hint that I like him since I asked him for his, but I guess it didn't.


So would it be weird to ask him out on the last day of classes in person? Or should I not ask at all and this won't matter since he's moving? The reason I wasn't thinking of asking him on the phone is because of obvious reasons like getting too busy to talk or just forgets my number, etc and then I'll probably never see him again. He's just not straight forward about whether I'm only a friend or more, so that's why I'm unsure if I should go through with it.

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If you're shy I think you should ask just to bust out of your shell. You need to step out of your comfort zone every once in a while.


Here is the thing, his chances of saying 'yes' are pretty good, but his chances of saying 'no' are just as equal from what I've read. BUT! He is leaving soon, which means you won't be embarrassed for long or have to deal with the aftermath if he said no - you gave it your best shot, no regrets, right? Plus you should be proud of actually being assertive for once. And if he does say yes well, boooooya!

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I took all your advice and went for it. I was scared, because he was with his friend and I waited to ask him when he was alone. It was pretty nerve-wrecking because I didn't want to just stand around waiting, so I kind of joined the conversation with his friend too. lol That was awkward especially since I don't know the other guy. Anyway I asked him if he wanted to hang out and he told me to call him sometime. I don't know when, but yeah that's how it went. Thanks everyone. Wish me luck in whatever happens. At least I know I overcame some shyness today.

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