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I'm trying to get over an ex, but I'm indecisive about things right now. See, I want to move on, but at the same time I have hope that he'll get back together with me in the future.


See, there's this guy that has been really friendly towards me lately. I'm beginning to think he likes me and if he did, I wouldn't have anything against it. He's fun to talk to and I enjoy it alot.


But at the same time, I miss my ex and I'm still hoping we'll get back together. And at the same time, I never wanna speak to him again.


I'm not sure what to do, and the decision's been driving me crazy. I wanna wait and see what happens with my ex, but I don't wanna dwell on it forever.


And how soon is too soon to get back into dating? Maybe even just casual dating?


Thanks again.

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Dear Themegchan:


If you have to ask yourself then its probably too soon. Take your time and enjoy life.


This guy that's been friendly to you is probably interested in you but there is no rush here either. Just enjoy your friendship with him because the best relationships are bourne of friendships.


You say that you want your ex back but you also never want to talk to him again. Take some time to examine why you feel this way. You'll know when the time is right without even asking. I wish the best of luck for you.


Take Care,


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As soon as you end a relationship one of the best things you can do for yourself is date other people... not sleep with other people - but date. Go out, meet new guys, enjoy yourself. If your ex calls you one day out of the blue and says he would like to see you, go! Explore it! Waiting for someone else to 'make' you happy is the worst thing you can do. You are the only one responsible for your feelings.


Just remember to be honest... tell those that you date (if they are starting to get serious) that you are still trying to let go, emotionally, of your ex. If they are nice guys, they will respect that and continue to enjoy your company until you tell them you are ready to commit to them.


It's hard to let go, but you make it harder if you don't accept that perhaps it was never meant to be. Just don't close yourself off from the world... your heart will feel like it's breaking more and more.

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I agree with Paradise. Go out and date people. Right after my ex broke up with me I was a wreck, but I soon realized (one day after) that I didn't want to be depressed anymore. I have gone out with three people since my breakup, one of which was a girl I have known for a year now. I go to school with her, have always liked her, but never did anything since I was still with my ex. Well, I finally had the chance to ask her out last Friday and everything has been wonderful. She is down to earth, very beautiful, and just an overall sweetheart. Sleeping with her is not even an issue for me, I just want to get to know her and have fun with her. You should do the same. Just go out, have fun, and don't expect anything. Right when I didn't expect anything, something happened and I am more happy now than I ever was with my ex.

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