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Wut kind of guys do girls like?

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(im not sure if this is in the right category..but o well) " Wut kind of guys do girls like?" that is a question ive been pondering for awhile. Wut attracts girls? Me my self im like a preppy guy (hollister american eagle etc.) but its not liek i dont get girls but i want 2 know wut they like wut gose on inside there head when they meet a guy wut therie so called " perfect guy" is like so if any of the ladies could answer this that be great thnx....oh and also somtimes when i c a girl looking at me that i find attractive ir eally wanan go and talk 2 them btu id otn do girls find it odd or do they feel uncomfortable when a random guy comes over and talks 2 them and compliments them?

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I'm a guy but I would think the answer depends on the girl. In general I find girls like someone who is honest, considerate, a gentleman, romantic, confident, someone they are comfortable with and someone they can relate to. Othewise it's up to the girl. Some people like quiet and shy others like loud and outgoing. That's why you shouldn't worry about what other girls want and just be yourself. Anyone who is worth it should like you for you.

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I like a guy who has confidence and is funny, basically. If a guy can make me laugh, thats always a plus!

I like guys who like to act all tough, but they have a soft side, and they show it occasionally -- something in me makes me want to bring the soft side out of them, LoL.

I know its been said before, but guys who are gentlemen are also good, too. Its nice when people think of people other than themselves!

Like, well, let me tell you a story. We were all waiting for the bus, and these two guys suddenly got into a fight. Bob was getting beaten up pretty badly by Frederick, and while everyone just sort of stood around and watched, Harry jumped in there and pulled Frederick off Bob. Earlier that day, this little kid fell over and skidded his knee. He was crying, and Harry picked him up and took him into the sick bay and got him a band-aid and stuff. Ever since that day, i've really liked Harry -- at least he wasn't one of those jerks sitting around laughing.


Well, there is no perfect guy, so I can't really say what the perfect guy would be. If you want me to be brutally honest:

- hot

- rich

- isn't going to be a dol bludger when he grows up

- has a licence

- doesn't go and get drunk every weekend

- is totally devoted and trustworthy, and you know he would never cheat on you


- remembers little things, like, when its your birthday XD

- considerate

etc etc XD I'm sure you get the picture -- go look at all the 'women are so shallow!' posts that are around here. u_o;

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Like people have said earlier, certain personality types are attracted to other personality types. Not all girls look for the same things in guys (some girls might like outgoing or athletic guys, while other girls like introverted or poetic types). Having said that, all girls like someone who is respectful and trustworthy; honest, and loving. And most girls do find confidence attractive, so most would definitely like a boy approaching or complimenting them (as long as it's not done in a sleazy way).

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Obviously there isnt a perfect huy in the sense that well a person is perfect but a perfect guy for me, would be the person who im with now, at the beginning i thought, this has seriously got something that i have to work for, in the sense that our backgrounds and people around us would cause a battle from the beginning, but it didnt stop me.


i like him because he was honest, open, and he showed a side to me that he didnt usually with others, he contradicted every thought that i had of him and shon though, so that why i love him.

but i guess after learning that his personality attracted me, hisblove for others around him, his talent on guitar that hes devoted to, the way he treats me with respect, everything about him even what others would see as faults!


black magic

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Really think that this is an impossible question to answer. Every girls different. But to be honest, i'll say it again, I don't think many young girls know what they want. They have a habit of wanting the "bad boy". Someone basically who has the potential to cheat but i guess is a lot of fun. And as the girl gets older and becomes more of a woman at 30+ she looks for the more sophisticated nice guy would would make a great dad and stable family.


Not all girls go out with the idiots when their younger, but a lot do. All my bad boy friends who treat girls badly get more luck with girls than my nice guy m8s, its retarded.

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