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How to get started? And feeling uncomfortable


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Hey, My girlfriend and I hang out with other couples often and watch movies. the others are always making out n such, but I just don't feel comforatable doing that infron of other people. I know my girlfriend wants to and doesn't care about them. What should I do? I think she's getting the wrong imnpression of me because of this. Should I just forget about how I feel and go for it?


Also, many times we'll be laying on my bed and she'll be infront of me with the back of her head to my face .. (spooning position.. lol) how would I go about starting to kiss her. Should I kiss her neck or something, and then hope she turns my way? or Should I flip her over? lol ..


Also, we haven't kissed alot yet, and she told her friends it is bothering her .. but she doesn't give me chances to kiss her .. Am i supposed to chase her n run after her for a goodbye kiss or something?


Any help is appreciated!


- Jabe

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I say forget about how you feel and go for it, I can guarantee once you do, you'll forget there is anyone else there.


With the laying in bed thing, all I can suggest is maybe whispering into her ear and like you said kiss her on the neck, the collarbone, etc.


Now as far as kissing her more often. When you are out somewhere, just give her a kiss on the cheek, or when your holding her hand walking, just raise it up to you lips give it a soft kiss. I'm pretty sure these are the sort of things she's talking about.


Good luck, hope everything works out

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I think you are worrying way too much about this whole thing. Kissing should just be a normal sign of affection that you use without thinking. It's like hugging.. you don't plan out your strategy for hugging someone, do you?


You just need to relax, be confident that you are the man, and move in for a kiss with this girl. She's your girlfriend! She's not going to reject you especially when she's complaining to her friends that you aren't kissing her enough!


Next time instead of thinking just do it. You'll be much happier that way.

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ok, let me first say that my bf is a year younger so it might give an idea of why this happened. but i think we're both a little uncomfortable with public displays of affection. and ofcourse all our friends are like f**** in a corner so its really awkward. and ill admit that at first i felt that he was embaressed to be with me or something, like why wouldnt he want to? i never really made an issue about it or persued it myself because to be honest im not COMFORTABLE with it. so maybe for her, it makes her feel as if "my bf is ashamed of me, he doesnt want other people to know....". but i could tell it wasnt like that, and you should just talk to her about it. one day i asked my bf about it and he said it doesnt matter, but we like to keep things in private, it totally gets us both more INTO it lol.


about kissing her more, make the first move. as a girl, i know that i flirted big time, but when it came to asking me out, or the first kiss, i just felt as if he should be making the move. as a girl we feel unattractive if a guy doesnt persue it, ofcourse be respectful, but its just as girls we are lead to believe that guys are suppose to be the aggressive ones, the ones who WANT to do these sort of stuff. so shes just waiting for you to make the move, you may think shes not giving you chances, but shes just waiting for you to pull her in. i dont mind making the first move now...i mean we're like 8 months into our relationship, but i think it should be the guy 60 girl 40. and ya kissing her neck is definitely the way to go from behind.

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