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Hey guys i need some advice for my situation...


i am a second year uni student... anyways, there's this indian girl in my class that i met this year. at the start of the year i noticed her straight away, cos she's really attractive. it's funny cos up to now i've never found indian girls pretty. she came up and introduced herself the first time we met, and i realised that she is really outgoing and smiles a lot. (and plus speaks very good english). she seemed like a really nice girl compared to the other pretty ones with bad perseonalities. it's hard to find a decent girl with a kind heart these days. the only thing is, i don' know her very well and she is very popular. she strikes up conversations with pretty much everyone in class. and as you can imagine there's a lot of of guys after her.


we go to the same class everyday and i see her everyday, but i always just admire her from the distance cos after all, we have different social circles and fighting over a girl with other guys isn't exactly my style. my friends that know her tells me that there's a long queue, so i don't see why i should be any better than others that she falls hands over feet for me. i mean, i'm confident about myself but for someone of her status i'm sure she can get a guy a lot more talented than me. but she doesn't have a boyfriend yet and i really like her. i've got to know her a bit now and we small talk regularly. i've asked her out to coffee as well and we had a good conversation and i got to know her better. it's just that i get the feeling she's too popular and she's out of my league. even tho we're doing med together i'm just a humble guy with a normal upbringing. we seem to come from completely different worlds and i feel like i'm dreaming about something that could never happen.


what do you guys think?

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I think that you should go for it! She seems like a nice enough girl and if she went to coffee with you, then why don't you ask her out to dinner or something? Just, not a movie because then you two won't be able to talk very much, which is key. She doesn't sound as the type of girl who only dates inside her "social circle" because she introduced herself to you, you two talk regularly, and she went for coffee with you. And as for coming from completely different worlds, opposites tend to attract...and what do where you two came from have to do with anything??? Does she show sign of maybe having an interest in you?

Like I said, I think you should go for it, its worth a try. And don't think that you're just dreaming about something that won't happen, because ANYTHING can happen! Good Luck!

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well, i get kind of mixed signals from her tho...

^^ i think i do tend to think too much into insignificant things that probably means nothing at all, but after all i've never had a girlfriend before so i guess i'm just a novice...


but it's like this: i asked her to the ball but she kindly refused... she told me she had to go with another dude who asked her first, but she ended up going by herself. but at the ball she was surrounded by guys (seriously) and i didn't really get a chance to talk to her. i couldn't even have a proper dance with her because some other rude indian dude just interrupted. but i caught her looking at my general direction a couple of times, and when i did turn around she looked away, so i presume she was looking at me.


and yesterday, i was performing a solo for my mate running a talent quest show, and i asked her to come. she said yes (really excited style) but didn't turn up because she was running late to another party of her mate's... (i came second by the way, lol)


i don't know, i think she's just friendly, so i don't really want to screw it up and look foolish. i don't want people to look at me and say, "yeah, he's just another guy who fell for her bla bla bla" put it this way, i'd rather be a mystery than she desert me (quote john mayer lol)

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That's true, you won't just be another one of those guys as you say. Well, maybe you should just become better friends with her. It would be better to have her as a just a friend than to lose her all together. Hopefully things will take a turn and she'll go for you! Good Luck!!!

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Wow, seems we're both in the same pickle.


But i've already exposed myself.


My advice would be not to take her serious. You're obviously not first on her priority list. Just be friends.


Focusing too much on her will make you miss out on other ladies.

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There's nothing about this girl that suggests that you should stay away, but do tread carefully.


She's the type of popular person who means well, but because they are so extroverted and draw so much energy from being around others, individuals within their vast social network often get lost in the shuffle. I see this happen with my own friends and acquaintances. This might explain why she didn't turn up to your talent quest show... too much social stuff going on with her she can't possibly keep it all straight & perfectly organized..


Would a pretty, ultra-social gal like her be too much for a shy guy like you? Perhaps. But what the fudge do I really know about you? haha. You talk about this girl being surrounded by guys at the prom, but pay no attention to them. Would you really want to be 'just another guy' in the mob, circling the one hot girl like a shark? Or would you rather be yourself, the quiet guy who slides in at the right moment, when the sharks have finally dispersed, and actually tries to have a real, engaging conversation with the girl? I think you know the answer to that!

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Well, this is what i figured after thinking it thru...


ok she might be popular and attractive, but she pretty much stood me up the other night (she told me she was coming to the show but didn't turn up)... that's disrespect right there. i'm not that keen for rude girls with no manners no matter how attractive they are. She didn't even say sorry...


Oh well there're plenty of fish in the sea i guess, good luck to you guys too ^^ don't get too bogged down over a girl

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