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how to make our kissing better...

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hey im just getting into a bit of a seriouse relationship and well weve been doing only kissing at the moment including french kissing and i kiss her neck and cheek. im just wondering how i can use my hands or my mouth to makeour kissing even better

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erm this is a kinda hard one to answer, well you say you making out and french kissing (was it actually the french that made the kiss up?) or is it like when people in the UK oe USA swear they go "parden my french"


look anyways lol, well if you kissin her properly try different tongue motions or something maybe tease her! only once or twice though, she could get mad, i know my girl did.


you could even kiss round the bellybutton area or boobs, they all work

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As for me that should come from your inner self . Try out new things and see her reactions whether she likes it or not. Discuss your fantasies with her and vice versa that will make you both open to each other. And in a mature relationship everything should be slow and steady. And loose your trust or patience if she doesn't agree to some of your demands.

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Someone above said you should try kissing her boobs... I don't think you should go as far as getting naked with each other... sorry if I'm being pushy. It's just that being naked leads to having sex usually, and I know I'm being typically "old fashioned", but I think it's important to take it VERY slowly, and don't get naked or have sex just for variety.


Anyway... I'm done with preaching... if you want variety in your kissing, just try moving your lips at a different pace, change positions with each other... like don't stay on their bottom or top lip constantly... umm... kiss different parts of her face and her neck, arms, whatever... you could try sucking/kissing her fingers a little bit? Biting can be fun too, like you could bite her neck a little bit, and maybe her lips lightly... but don't do it hard, unless she likes it hard. As for your hands, I guess you could try holding her in different places, and caress her etc, and you could surprise her a little bit or something by pulling her body really close to yours and little things like that... Just don't do the exact same thing every time... you'll think of a few little new things every now and then... Just do whatever you feel like. She should give you some signs whether she's liking it or not, like she might smile/sigh/moan/laugh or hold onto you tighter or kiss you more or something, if she likes what you're doing...

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thank you everyone and to allay some fears lol im not going to get naked with her or even under her shirt for quite a while and i woudlnt do it for variety. and when i actually found a good rhythm in our kissing she did give a little maon and one problem is shes a very giggly girl so her laughs might be a hard way to gauge how she feel about our kissing. the odd thing is we havent kissed standing up yet and i think it would all be much better if we were. im going on a date with her in two days so knowing all of this fast is going to make it much better thank you all

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hey everybody i know this isnt exactly a topic for this board but something happened to my girlfriend she went to a party with her friends and she spent the night at one firends house (a girl) but a guy friend did also. she woke up and he was kissing her (he knows shes my girlfriend also) and she was out of it so she thought she was dreaming so she went back to sleep but when she woke up the second time he was touching her (she hasnt told me where yet) and i am so pissed not at her at all and she knows none of this is her fault. hes acting like nothing happened and i want to just go to his house and teach hima lesson but i dont think i should what is my best course here. actually i dont quite know where he lives but i could find out in about 10 seconds. please tell me something else to do so i dont go doing something stupid

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Wow, that's real bad. I think you need to talk to your g/f about it, find out exactly what happened. She is going to be VERY upset I would imagine, so I suggest you be very gentle and patient with her. What this guy did is sexual assault, so you need to keep that in mind once you have talked things through, and see where she wants to go from there. Don't pressure her to make any sort of decision, just be there and support whatever decision she does make.


I'm so sorry to hear this happened, I hope you can get through all this

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i hope we can too and thats what i did it was still wonderful being with her its just niether of us could stop thinking about it. so we were both kind of distant shes going to talk to him and she says she will base what she doesn next on how that goes. i kept as level a voice and actions as is possible for anyone. it was hard though i think i hurt my teeth though cause i had to bite down more than once. listen to this the morning after the jerk had the gall to ask questions about me from her. i feel like i need to scream or cry or just elt something out but im not sure how! hopefully we wont get any more distant shes angry about it and she feels awfull and appearantly the other time this happened to her it was a girl friend (whos either lesbian or bi). god i want to meet thi guy i want to talk to him but im not going to at leat not before her because appearantly this guy is denying all.

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Just stick with it, if you love each other enough you will be able tog et through this. Not talking to this guy is probably a good idea cause you may lose your cool and start thumping into him. My advice is, if you really need to let it out, find something soft like a pillow and punch the crap out of it.

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pillows dont work i almost want to spar with my friends but i might loose my coolt hen too until i was about 11 every problem i had i was able to solve by beating the snot outta someone and i got over that and so yea i dont want to meet this guy for that same reason i mean if she was around i think i would be ok but if he went near her i might flip a little. and if youv read the other post on this you will see that one guy sugested that i have her stop going to co-ed sleepovers but thats just not right im not going to restrict her from doing something and i mean im going to one myself where i will be the only guy there. but yea i am trying tot hink of something to get my aggression out. im going to talk to her more about all of this. i think that we can get through this im pissed but everytime im about to say something to hr about how i feel i just think how SHE must feel

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