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Does it ever get easier??

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Hey, sorry if I'm going to bore people but I'm having a particularly bad day and I think my friends are getting somwhat bored of me harping on about the ex...think there is only so much they can take.


I split up with my ex a month ago and have been NC for two weeks. I thought that by now i might feel a bit better but i seem to feel worse. Maybe the fact that he hasn't contacted me? I mean I never expected him to but I constantly want to talk to him. When I feel down I remind myself that he doesn't care - you would think that would spur me on to 'man up' and get on with it but it doesn't.


He's in the Navy and home for 2 weeks (one week left) when he goes back he'll be going on deployment. I went out with the girls saturday night as a way of cheering me up but it was awful. I was constantly looking out for him and felt miserable when I didn't see him. I guess cos I know that come the weekend when he goes back there is no chance for us. There is no chance now and I do know that but I'm not sure its sunk in yet. I'm going to avoid where he might be this weekend - think thats the best option but I can't help but feel sad that I wont see him again. He'll be back in the Navy and that will be it. We were togther 2 and a half years and had our fall outs but we always made it up and I thought we were it...I thought he was it for me.


I'm not delusional, I know he doesn't want me anymore but I feel like I can't breathe.


His brother text me yesterday asking how I was doing and i made out everything is great and life is great when all i wanted to do was to say how hurt I still am.


Sorry for the rant but I feel better just getting it out there.

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I think many of us have been here before and can quite honestly tell you that yes it does get much easier with time, if you could only fast forward 6 months you will feel so much better within yourself. Try and keep busy, go to the gym, eat healthy. And no matter how much Maid Marian harps on about these things your friends will always be there for you and visa versa.

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what you are feeling is sooooo normal. don't think that you're strange for having a hard time. break ups are very tough and we have a lot invested emotionally in them.

yes , it will get better. promise! but after 4 weeks. nope, you are at the beginning still so cut yourself some slack and just feel the pain, its ok to cry, its ok to feel crappy.


but it will get better, the pain will ease off and the sadness too. but it takes a lot of time.

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Yup most definitely gets better. The first month of my break up with my current ex I was an absolute wreck and tried pretty hard in a pretty pathetic way to get her back. Now I just look back and laugh at how stupid it was. I'm 3 months into the break up and the feeling of longing has almost completely dissipated. You will occasionally think of your ex but it will just be fond memories or lessons than the thought of being together.

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