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kinda worried but dont know why

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hi, me and my gf are having sex about 6 times now right after her period we started. shes on the pill and i use condoms everytime. should i be this worried? like i always think what if her period is late etc etc. like is there anything that can take this worrying away? any good statistics? heh the only one i know is that u can get pregnant on b/c more likely than winning the lottery

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You can never be 100% safe I know, but used together and correctly, those methods of contraception aren't far off foolproof. I am not sure on which days of the menstural cycle a woman can get pregnant, I think it is around day 15, but right towards the end should be safest.


Still, being that sensible you should be ok!


Take care!

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Bout the only thing i can say to take the worrying away would be, don't have sex. With all contraceptives, abstinance(refraining from sexual intercourse) is the only real way of knowing she's not pregnant. However, with her being on birth control and you using protection every time the chance of her getting pregnant is slim, but theres always that chance.


I forgot to mention, that again, every woman is different. If her cycle is normal than she should ovulate between the 8th and 14th day of her cycle. The first day of her period is day 1. Does she keep track of her cycle and dates? If not i would suggest doing this so she knows around the time she may be ovulating.

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my g/f said that there is 2 pills 1 gives u 1 horomone and the other gives u 2 the one that gives u 1 is 98% and the one that gives u 2 is 99% lol i dont see how that works but thats what she says. she said she was o nthe first one but it wasnt working (shes on the pill to regulate her horomones)

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well.. i noticed that my gf's period was really late the first time we had sex, the second time.. it was a little less late.. and so on so forth. i think for a woman.. having sexual intercourse changes or at least fluctuates their cycle a bit? well, now she's pretty much like clockwork.. 1-2 days off =\

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my g/f and I use condoms and the pill. Just make sure shes religious about taking it everyday!! However, I did have a weak condom once and it broke inside of her. Man was I freaked! To a point cause we are getting married anyway but I just didn't want a baby then! But I think baby's aren't planned half the time anyway!!.. I got lucky...


you do the same.

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