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not sure if this girl likes me -

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Swewwwwh. ok.... my problem is one of great multiplicity all over the world. I know. But there are always so many details to a problem that noone can give perfect advice. So ill just tell my prob. , then if possible id like to get a little advice, and maybe somehow some tips on if she may like me and what i should do if she does or doesnt. anyway - Theres this girl Ive known my whole life, we went to separate schools for about the first 15 years of our life. Im now 19, shes 18. I didnt know her real well until about a year ago. But gradually im getting to know her better. about 2 1/2 months ago her boyfriend broke up with her. She really liked him and so now shes stuck on him. But she doesnt know that he cheated on her with her best " friend ", ashley. Im not gonna tell her this because its not my place to ( i feel ). but she should know. But thats not my prob ahaha. My prob is, about 5 weeks ago i went to a college that one of her girlfriends go to with the her ( the girl I like- LAURA), another one of her girlfriends, and a guy friend of mine. we stayed 2 nights and the whole time she was pretty flirty. And this was actually one of the first times Ive hung out with her. My guy friends told me she kinda digs me and shes told me before , " youre so cute" but i took it friendly because im one of those guys all the girls think is just real funny and cool - they dont really look at me as a guy they want to fight over - im just pretty cool and nice and funny. ( a good friend ) But anyway, it so happened she wanted to share beds with me the two nights we stayed at this college at her friends apartment. So we did, and we really didnt even mess around because i tried to be a gentleman and kept my hands to myself. But both nights we stayed up till about 6 in the morning in bed just talkin. And i really got to know her alot more. and we cuddled and bla bla. But im not sure if that happened kuz she needed comfort because of her "bad breakup " or if its a mixture of that and also that she does like me. But anyway, ive been hanging out with her and friend alot lately for like the past 2 or 3 weeks, and shes always leanin on me , or touchin my hair or talkin to me and yotta yotta. ( being flirty ) and a week after we stayed at that college ( 5 weeks ago ) i called her to tell her i had been thinkn about her and what not. She kinda laughed and said " awwww really " kinda insinuating she just thought it was cute, and didnt feel the same or hadnt been thinkn about me . But a few days after, she and a friend picked me and one of my friends up to cruise, and i tried to make myself look less pathetic and said " sorry about me callin you tellin you i really like you laura , I was madly in love with you " ahah, kinda actin like it was just a crush i had, and like i really do now just want to be friends so I wouldnt feel dumb around her if she didnt like me too, and to be funny to make her and her friend laugh. But just a day or two ago, she e-mailed me for the first time becuase i told her to like a week ago. and it said something like, " i dont know if i want to have sex with you, or just hang out " and that was the main thing she wrote, and that she was just confused. And she apologized for always flirting with me and messin with me. I dont know if thats a clue that she doesnt like me and is just needn someone there to flirt with and is sorry it had to be me shes messin with, or if thats just what was on her mind. But anyway, since those 2 days we stayed at that college ive kinda liked her, and shes still pretty flirty with me, and shows signs of jealousy, like when i say a girls hot, shell say " iaaaaaan, noooo ! " ahhaah like she doesnt want me to like another girl. and when she took me home from cruisin one night recently, we were talkin about a friend that broke up with his gf and wants her back now. And she said " he should just ignore her, itll drive her crazy and shell like him because in a sense, she cant have him" ( because hes ignoring her ) and now, she kinda ignores me sometimes, or doesnt flirt with me as much some nights . But other nights, shell kinda hang on me, or run up and hug me when i get out of my jeep. But like tonight, i drove around with her and her friend, and one of my friends, and she kinda ignored me. So I dont know if she likes me, and is trying to get me to pay more attention to her because she is ignoring me ( like she said what the guy that wants that girl should do ), or if she just isnt interested as much as it really seems she is. So I think she could still be trying to get over her ex bf, or isnt , and kinda likes me but is scared to start anything with me for whatever reason. and thats basically my problem- sorry it took so long to explain and was kinda cluttered and confusing, but i tried to give alot of nesseccary details. Anyway, if possible, i could use some advice on how to maybe get her to like me more, or how to keep me in her mind. AND, id like to know anyones opinion on if they think she likes me or not and/or , how to figure this out ( if she does like me or not ). What should I do, and how should I go about this - any opinions and advice will be accepted and greatly appreciated , THANKS

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Hi there, and I'm absolutely positive that she likes you sooooooo much!


I don't know how much more she could do to convince you of that unless she gave you a kiss or asked you out!


Take a look at all the stuff that's happened: (i can only go by what you wrote)

1. Your friends have told you she diggs you and she herself told you your cute.

2. Your really nice and cool and funny. You make a good friend you say. Did you know that girls dig guys who are nice and cool and funny?

3. **SHE wanted to share the bed with you the two nights at the college.**

She obviosly wanted to get to know you better (she already liked you, but she wanted to see if she'd still like you after she got to know you a bit) AND, you cuddled. She wouldn't cuddle if she didn't like you at least a little bit, and she wanted to show you that she likes you by cuddeling.

4. she's always leaning on you, touching your hair and talking to you.

5. when she just said awwww really when you called her, she choked. don't worry, that dosen't mean that she dosent like you!

6. When she told you she dosen't know if she wants to have sex with you or just hang out, she's leting you know that she has a sexual interest in you, but dosen't know how to go about it. it's like a game of chess. the next move is yours. do you just want to hang out? or do you want it to be more? (sex) in a way she's asking you to decide.

7. You say a girl is hot, she says "noooo!" (she likes you, and she wants you to only like her)

8. she's taking her own advice about ignoring someone to drive them nuts, so they'll want em more. (she's ignoring you a little cuz she thinks it'll make you want her more)

9. But she dosen't want to play "impossible to get," so sometimes she hangs on you and runs up and hugs you to let you know that she's still interested. (incase she's done a job too well, with ignoring you)



Those are 9 points that you can look at to decide if she likes you or not, accoring to what you wrote. It's an interpretation from a 19 year old chick who thinks you're crazy if you don't go for her!


I hope you take my advice cuz I think you could get with her if you go for it!


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Ok here is what i think. I think she likes u but she hasnt still decided to go after u or not. To get over a break up takes sometime specially if the relationship was somehow strong. U should be nice with her and keep being a good, nice friend. If you can make her laugh that's a good point in your favor. But be careful she may be wanting some affetion after the break-up. Her ex could come back and get her back. and you'll end up broken hearted. Anyway u have a lot of adventages being a nice friend. U may get another woman being yourself. Risk and learn. Good luck

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The other advice given is the alternative to my advice, and it's possible that's the case.


But she's only 18 and I think that she's done with her ex. I don't think she'd go for anyone else if she still wanted her ex. But from the nine points I gave, it sure looks like she's going for someone. You!


If you don't give her the impression that you'd like it to go somewhere, than she may go for someone else or her ex if he tries really hard to get back with her.


In this case I think you have nothing to lose and I bet that I'm right about this one.


Good luck. 8)


P.S. If she still wants her ex and if she flirts with you and perhaps other people, than I'd stay far away. (head games)

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