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Hey people,


about my story my boyfriend and me we have a ldr since over a year now. i live in switzerland and he lives in new york.. i am really sad almost everyday.. i cry alot. he hurts me always.. i am not sure anymore if he really loves me.. at valentines we got engaged.. it was the best day in my life. but since couple of weeks he changed alot, he acts weird and not the same as he used to be. he doesnt seems to care anymore about us/me. I dont know what the reason is for that. he also always search fights with me for no reason. acts weird and is damn jealous.. he was always jealous but not for things which doesnt make even really sense. he even try to fight about something which is not even there.. Is he maybe just searching for an excuse? that i break up with him? or did he meet someone? i asked him all this about.. he always said no he didnt met anyone i am annoying asking this question the whole time.. he doesnt even rlly care anymore that i go to him in 2.5 weeks, he say he is happy but it doesnt even look like it.. he threats me like * * * * last times.. maybe he got a guilty feeling? or he is into someone:S i am really confused.. what do u guys think? help

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I am in a long distance relationship awell and one thing I realised is that things like jealousy, suspicion, worry, basically the negative feelings in a LDR seem to be heightend... No-one really knows whats going on with him or what he is thinking... Could you give some examples of how hesearchs for fights... As for the jealousy, I doubt that will go away.

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I have had a long relationship for 3 years and I can tell you that even though over the Internet people may seem more distant, sometimes the feelings don't change. It's just that the distance makes it hard for both of you, maybe he misses you and he gets frustrated not being able to see you so he is upset , and in the same time he can't tell you because guys don't want to appear needy or weak. Since he proposed to you not long ago, I think you shouldn't judge him so quickly, because he must love you since he took that important step. Don't think of the negative stuff all the time and don't dwell on everything he does, this is how people are over the Internet, you can't expect everything to be great. Try to make him understand that he makes you feel worthless but do it in a way in which he won't feel threatened. It is better to talk with him about this over the phone than on the Internet since like that you can hear the tone of his voice and so on.

Don't be miserable and cry every day even though it's very hard. Be happy because you got engaged, you love your fiance and I'm sure he loves you. Wait until you visit him and have a face to face talk with him and if after that things don't change tell him that you are suffering because of him and see what he says. Don't blame him immediately since that will only make him go further away from you.

But, in the first place, be happy! Have fun without him, don't always sit around waiting for him on the Internet, go out, do your thing. Make a schedule for when you both can talk and you will see it gets better, and easier with time.

Love is difficult, and the distance makes it worse, but if you don't try to do the best out of your relationship and you're miserable you're just losing valuable moments.

Good luck and don't forget you are great, and don't ever let anybody put you down. You only live once and I'm sure you don't want to have regrets.


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I am in a long distance relationship awell and one thing I realised is that things like jealousy, suspicion, worry, basically the negative feelings in a LDR seem to be heightend...


I agree, mine went extreme. For a few minutes that he don't reply right away I think of a lot of negative things. When he gets online late I interrogate.. Even planned to have his cellular number tracked down.. Good thing we got married, I'm relax now..

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