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What do you think I should do?


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I know this question belongs in 'cyber relationships' but i need all the advice i can get.


I have been talking to a guy online for 3 years now, we're extremely close and talk for hours and hours every night (romantically) and we're like best friends - have talked on IM, webcams, phone.


I told him that I'm going to be able to visit him in April and he rarely ever mentions it now.


He has said that the only thing he can promise is a cup of coffee, he hasn't once mentioned showing me around his town because he says it would add too much pressure.


Should I meet him for just the coffee?

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Pressure? You've been talking for hours on end for three years, you should know him almost better than he knows himself and vice versa. You both know each other well enough that you should be able to spend an entire day together.


I hate making the first reply to your thread a negative one, but I think there's a chance that lengthy cyber and phone chats are as far as this one is going to go. Even with that being said, I would still go for the cup of coffee. You've put too much time and effort into this just to throw in the towel. Who knows? It could be the best coffee date you have ever had.

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