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I've never kissed before..

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I'm guessing she might have a boyfriend, being female and all. Don't be nervous, it comes naturally. When you do kiss, you will magically know what to do. Very few people actually go do research before their first kiss, they just do it, and that's that. Don't worry so much.

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Again, I believe it's to "his" and not "hers". Anyway, if the person you're kissing is a good friend then it shouldn't be a problem. I could only see worrying if you were kissing a complete stranger. Besides, it would be a first for most people at your age. Just chill.



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lol, wow i felt alone when i had this problem!!

luv IF you do screw up? so what? kissing can be done loads of ways, sure most people ram there tongues down lol but it can have different syles, all with different tongue motions.

but when you do just relax the more you think about "what if i screw up" the bigger chance you will actually screw up!


go get him, one tip once you start you will never stop hehe

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Everyone has a first time once! Don't be scared, it's easy and comes naturally. I was so worked up and so worried about it too, but when the time came...I knew exactly what I was doing. Don't worry, you'll do great! Good Luck!!!

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I felt the same way the first time I ever kissed anyone (which honestly, wasn't that long ago). We were really out of sync. I was embarrassed because I just knew that I was a bad kisser. However, even if I was terrible, my boyfriend seemed to enjoy it anyway.


Seriously though, just be confident. Start slow. Everything will fall into place. Take it from someone who was in your shoes only a couple of weeks ago.

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Yes everthing comes natrually. If you think about kissing then it will be all messed up. You just kinda go with the flow. Dont worry about it. if you simply dont want a kiss right then, make sure you tell him or have a friend to come alone with you. Maybe he wont kiss you. Just go with the flow. Its all natrual. Dont think about it, it will be all messed up. When the time comes you will be able to do it. If you are really unsure and you want to practice, put your hand in a fist. and pretend its your partners lips. Let me know if you need more help. I hope i helped.

Dont forget to experiment, make it exciting! 8)

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