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confusing situation

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This may not be as big of a problem as i think it is. but here it goes. There is this girl who lives down the street. And i like here alot and have for about a year. Last summer we went out for about 2 months and then she broke up with me. Then about March i start to date her again and that lasted for about 3 months. So she broke up with me and it really hurt me. So i started talking to her about a week ago. And she has been all over me. I mean rubbing her boobs on me rubbing me everywhere and having me hold her etc. So i kiss her and once and she does not kiss me back. Then the next day i go over to her house and she kisses me. But later on when i try to kiss her she wont let me. I think she is trying to make me jelous. Because she is always talking to me about other hot guys that she see's and talk to. She is the kind of girl that is really flirty in general but i dont think that she does what she does with other guys what she does with me. So i am confident that she likes me but i need some advice to get around and deal withe games she is playing

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i was in a similar situation as you a few months ago.....

"i think she doesnt do ...." .. I thought that once and believe me i was totally proved wrong. I know how hard it is to hear this but move on...find a girl that really likes you and wants to hang out with you, and doesnt mind showing affection. MOVE ON !

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