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Advice needed quick 16-21

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Hi, im a 21 year old Male and ive just found this site, need advice on something running through my mind.


The other evening i went with some friends to a concert in a local pub, i met up with them and some other friends. One particular girl caught my attention and i got chatting to her. As is normally done.


Anyway one thing led to another and a party at my house. Now i must add that this particular girl turned out to be 16, which i didnt find out till after. She looks aprox. 19-20 and has an air of maturity about her that is quite unusual within that age range.


I felt that we really connected, we a lot in common, and a spark. I really like this girl and i she really likes me. We chatted for ages, and connected. I will leave the rest of the evenings details due to suitability, but you can draw a good perspective.


The next day i took her home, and we exchanged no's. plus agreed to meet each other again.


The trouble is there is such a big age difference, and that concerns me, i really like this girl, and we have a mutual social circle around my age range 18-21. I felt a spark that i havent felt for a long time, but there are concerns that run with me. However i do believe that any age range is acceptble within legal reasons of course.


Question is what do i do now? Other perspectives would greatly be appreciated thankyou.

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First off, there is no need to justify yourself, you're both of legal age. Secondly, what you do is up to you, if you want to pursue a relationship, go for it. The age difference really isn't that big, and if you two are OK with it, who cares what other people think.


Good Luck, I hope everything works out

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Go with what makes you feel comfortable. However, be careful and be sure that you really like her she is young and thereforeeee may be prone to reacting in an imature way that could land you in jail.


Make it a point to meet her parents (I don't know what the laws are for dating a minor in the UK) if that may be an issue.


But hopefully things go well just be aware since things are so new, that's all.

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Hi, I'm in the UK as well...


Like the others said, she isn't underage so there's no problem there. I think the only things you should be careful of are, firstly, make sure she really is 16. I don't want to put you off, but that's not a risk you want to take - meeting her parents as little242 suggested is a great idea


Secondly, try to remember that she may act very mature but she is still only 16 and may find some emotional situations a little harder to handle etc, so bear that in mind. Oh, and make sure she isn't drinking in the pub or anything like that lol!


I hope it all works well out for you

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hey. well since some other ppl clarified the age legality then thats good. now about maturity--im 16 and im often mistaken for 18-22ish, both physically and mentally i am older lol. but i will admit that there are aspects that can get in the way only because of the responsibilities and goals that we are forced to have due to age. for example, she is in high school worrying about prom while you may be starting to enter the real world-working and living on your own, as well she may have restrictions with going out and stuff that will be hard for you to deal with. there will be some barriers--and even though she may be on the same level with you in her conversation and thinking, her age no matter what does doefine her LIFESTYLE right now. so you should go for it, go with the flow, see how its going, but you both should keep in mind the problems that may arrise due to the age diffence which isnt that much, but because of the point you're in in your lives does somewhat matter.

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