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ok just been told my son is staying out 2nite after being back with my ex after only 1 nite * * * like i'd had him myself since last monday until thursday morning which means my ex has only had him for 1 nite im due to have him again this tuesady please i need help i need to know whats going on in her head because if i was the main custody parent no way would i let my son stay out with shared custody he's 3 btw

(he is at his aunts btw ) but just makes me angry that she's treating him like that whats her game ???????

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yep which i dont have a prob with. but my ex had my son back with her for 1 night after id had him from monday to thursday morning this week and he's out again after 1 night we recently broke up 2 weeks ago i just find it very strange that she would allow it to happen it just feels like she wants him there as little as possible . right now i get my son drip fed to me and ill be damned if i would let him stay out with any1 so soon after splitting up,she had text me in the day yest to ask if id have him today overnight but that meant she would have seen him for 1 night in the last 6, she tried making me feel sorry for her appealing to my soft side but all she was doing was manlipating me to get what she wants time away from my son to spent time with her new bf. I just dont trust her now she should be wanting to spend time with him but it seems she doesnt want to

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