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best place to find and make a date?


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ok looking for advice on best place to find and make a date with some1,im not really into bars, clubs anymore any help/advice is very welcome as im just coming out of a relationship which had spanned over the last 10+years lol](*,)

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Hello, Dyna! My suggestion would be to absorb yourself in activities that center around your interests, with the hope that you either meet others with whom you already have something in common, or, failing that happy occasion, you have not spent your time in vain if you pass it doing something you already enjoy. This could take the form of volunteering for a cause you believe in, signing up for a formal/informal class on a subject that intrigues you, or starting your own group within your community to introduce a hobby that others may be woefully unaware of. In both the case of the first and last suggestion, even if you do not meet a special someone, you have the comfort of knowing your time was well spent helping others or offering an opportunity for people to learn something new - both invaluable undertakings for those reasons, alone.


I wish you the best of luck!



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