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Is this relationship worth my time?

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I met this guy through a friend at the beginning of last year. We started talking online and I really opened up to him because I didn't care what he thought of me. We became really close friends and started talking a lot more often: over the phone and in person; not only online. His girlfriend of a year had broken up with him a few months before I met him, and for a while he was really distraught about it, but gradually he started saying that he was getting over her. We went out one night and I ended up telling him I had feelings for him, and he said he did as well but he was still confused/sad because of the girl he had been into for such a long time. A little while later we went out again and ended up kissing for a while, but he said that he didn't think it would be fair to go out with someone because he wouldn't like them as much as he had liked his ex. It's been about two months since then and we just started going out a few days ago, and he told me that what he said about it not being fair to go out with someone was a long time ago. We have so much fun when we're together and when we get a chance, we talk on the phone for hours...The problem is: a couple of times recently he's told me he would call me and then forgets. For most of the times he's had a pretty good reason-(i.e. family b-day party)-but I'm still worried. Do you think that if a guy forgets to call, or "gets home too late" it means he isn't really into you? Another problem is that he's going to college in less than three weeks(I'm a little younger than him)-and he said we could try to stay together but he doesn't know if it will work out...I'm afraid I'm getting too emotionally attached to him and I'm not sure it's worth it. What do you think about the forgetting to call, going to college, whole situation? I'd really appreciate some input! Thank you so much!

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well about calling guys always forget, but still maybe his not intersted in you, "if his saying that his not sure if you two well stay together" he could try, instead of telling you that and makeing you worry, or if he does meet another girl or whatever then his gonna tell you i did warned you about that im not sure if were gonna stay together, i dont kno just listen to your heart..

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Yeah guys are kinda bad with phone calls I wouldn't be too worried about it unless it happens regularly. On the college issue, I feel like I should tell a story that I think is sweet. This lmid20s woman I know is getting married soon to this guy she dated in high school. She actually broke up with him when she went to college (she was a little older), because it was what she thouight was smart. However eventually she missed him so much they got back together eventually. Eight years later they're planning their wedding. I'm not saying that this will be you by any means, just that yes, it is difficult for relationships to survive college (god knows you meet a lot of people in college) but sometimes, it works out.

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