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Breaking up in an Email despite its Disrespect.....

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Would anyone in here break up with someone in an email? Has anyone? My bf left for the week and we've been going through a week of NC to see how much effort he'd put into the relationship-- NC didn't work and he went off on OUR planned vacation with someone else yesterday.


I'm really just fed up with him. I'm considering an email breakup because it's obvious the last year he's had absolutely no respect for me, doesn't give a crap about my feelings, and doesn't want to invest any energy in our relationship. I honestly don't want to see him or talk to him, I just want to get on with my life and not waste any more energy on him.


Course I'd let him know this in a more caring compassionate way... but the disrespectfulness of breaking up in an email makes me uncomfortable.


For myself, I feel I need to break up now... not next week when he gets back, or when he finally decides to call me... I don't want to ruin his vacation.... I don't want him to feel nagged... but I want him to know when he gets back how things are between us from now on and I don't want to see him to have to tell him this because I know his manipulative, guilt-trip nature and I just don't want to bother with it anymore.


I want things over with and I want things over with NOW. Should I break up with him in an email and just be done with it?

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Despite everything that has happened, I think you should at least call him and break up that way. I think email is not proper for something so serious. i think if you voice your feelings towards him, you will feel so much better after you hang up the phone. Some may not agree with me, but that is how I would go about breaking up. Good luck.

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Go into NC mode if you haven't already, and when he calls you, then do the breaking up. I've been following your post, and I don't think this guy is worth one more effort on your part to do the communication. Good luck, and we're here to help you keep your resolve, get through this, and see the light at the end of the tunnel again.


- Scout

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Thanks scout and pixie and everyone else! I appreciate your feedback about this. I just want to put things behind me and move on. I know that he won't call for a long time especially being out and having fun on a 'Guy Trip' and especially because he doesn't put in the effort. He'll go for days of NC and then when I finally call he'll ask "Why didn't you call me if you wanted to talk so bad?"


I just wanted to get things over with. Thanks for keeping me above his level....

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