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Starting to Get WORRIED!


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I had sex for the first time recently and I did really well she almost orgasmed in the first 5-7 minutes but THEN I had a problem and went limp. It was almost as if when I was having sex with her I didn't really feel much. I didn't use a condom, I tried but that was even worse and I didn't feel a single thing with it on.


I am guessing this is from jerking off too much and too roughly? I always used lubrication but I probably squezed too hard. How do I fix this or am I doomed? I felt comfortable with her and it was fun I wasn't worried. PLEASE HELP lol


When I do jerk off these problems aren't there at all I keep my hard on for about 15-20 minutes maybe a little more when i jerk off...What do I do? I want to get this girl off!

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Wear a condom! Have one on you always.


I suggest working your pelvic muscles a lot when you're going it alone. Keep delaying your orgasm and don't just head straight for it. You can do kegel exercises anywhere and no one will know. link removed These help you last longer.


Communicate with your partner what turns you on, then tell her how to touch you.


For me personally it was that I was too excited and diving in too early. When I got more experienced I realized that I needed it to build a little slower. For example, I found that I actually preferred to be rubbed through my pants FIRST rather than just having a woman go down immediately. Everyone's different, but that's the type of thing you need to talk about with her.

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The first time I had sex I lasted around 10 minutes and I was pretty disappointed in myself so I know how you feel. You have what is colloquially termed "Death Grip". Stop whacking off and you'll begin to feel more. Extra thin condoms are awesome too and you SHOULD be using one.


On a side note when you become less nervous and more experienced you will last longer. The only way I know how to get better at sex is with more sex so go have some fun and learn some foreplay techniques so that even if you don't last as long as you liked you can still pleasure her!

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How long does death grip last and also is there a chance I might not feel anything again? My erections usually last for a very long time like 30-40 minutes even if I am just looking at my girl in a dirty way. I hope I didn't mess everything up gladly the girl I am with turned out to be patient and she was happy that I got her close to orgasming in such a short time. Should I tell her I am just having a little anxiety and with time I am going to get better. I am already showing her I want to learn what she likes and pleasure her!

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  • 2 weeks later...

...Using a condom while masterbating so you'll get used to using one. Practice putting them on properly while you're alone so it goes on easier in the heat of the moment. I know they suck, and everyone hates them, but an STD or an unwanted pregancy sucks even more.

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keep your hands off it for a while, I know thats hard for a young guy to do, but if you want to preform better for your girl, you need to let those nerves recover and become sensitive again!! and btw use a freaking condom!! in these times its just dumb not to!! use the extra thin kind, they're great. until you're older and in a permamnent relationship you need to be fully protected. anyway back to the subject at hand....

but the best thing to do if you ever lose your erection during sex is to give her oral sex, stimulate her clit, most girls cannot have a orgasm from sex alone, they need clitoral stimulation, so its very important to learn how to properly go down on a woman, and be enthusiastic about doing it. I would recommend reading everything you can about going down on a woman properly, and also ask her what she likes/wants. and you'll be making her shake and scream in no time!! good luck!! remember always be respetful and make sure she's comfortable and happy, the worst thing a guy can do is ony take care of HIS needs and not think about hers!

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