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Getting back with my Ex

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I'm glad in a way that you had a good day with him BUT now you are more confused than ever!!! This is the problem. I think he was out of order kissing you like that and telling you that he loves you. He is playing games and you are letting him. Sorry to be blunt, but he is. If he isn't your boyfriend anymore (as he so kindly told you) then WHY THE HELL IS HE KISSING YOU AND TELLING YOU HE LOVES YOU!


As I said in an earlier post, you need to take a stand otherwise he will continue to mess you about. Right now, he has you as his virtual girlfriend but without the commitment.


YOU ARE BEING TRAMPLED ON BY HIM! Please don't let him do this to you. Have some self respect! He will be more likely to come back to you if you stand up to him and tell him you are either going out with eachother, or you aren't. If he maintains that he doesn't want you to be his girlfriend, tell him straight that you need some time without contact to heal and move on. Tell him you'll contact him when you feel ready to be just friends.


I am getting quite worked up about your situation because he is treating you so bad. Sure he may be confused, but honestly, you need to stand up for yourself...starting NOW!


Sorry if this post is a bit harsh. I am just giving my opinion, like I did on friday. However you didn't take my advice in. I know it is difficult to do, but you must distance yourself. Why did he go to the theme park with you anyway? He isn't your boyfriend anymore.


I did it with my ex. I wasn't prepared to be strung along straight after she dumped me. My bet is that if he finds someone else, then he won't be going on trips to theme parks with you, kissing you, sleeping with you, saying I Love You - and you will be 10 times more hurt than you are now.


So please think about what Ive just said. Im no expert, and I might be wrong, but it seems the phrase "Having your cake and eating it" was invented for this guy!


Good luck,



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You know that situation where you're doing a spring clean-out of your wardrobe and you find a piece of clothing that you never feel like wearing but you can't quite throw out either?


I'd say that is how your boyfriend feels about you. He is still emotionally attached to you and likes your company but he doesn't want to be your boyfriend.


He made that comment about not being your boyfrined because he wanted to remind you that he has not gone back on his decision even though his body language might not say this.


I think you are in with a strong chance if you just play your cards right.


Keep on doing what you are doing. Being friendly, not begging, not asking for him back. Be happy and act like you are totally happy wth your relationship as it is. Don't let him think that you want more, let him think that you find everything perfect. look like you are enjoying your new found freedom.


Keep busy. Start a new exercise program. Work on some self improvement.


And last but not least make sure you go on some dates and do not hide this from your ex.


If you do this he may be shocked by how fast you have moved on and start questioning his decision.


Put yourself in his shoes. If you broke up with someone and they appeared to be happy anyway and moved on real quick, would you question your decision?

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