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Its a sunny hot day out while Im sitting here in the office with the cold air-conditioner on. Day 3 of my period...yesterday was a nightmare lol,my tummy ached for hours,i felt miserable and just wanted nothing more but to take a hot bath, lay in bed,eat chocolate and read my favorite book. It sucks to be a woman sometimes well only when it comes down to getting periods and suffering with giving birth lol. I cant imagine having my own child let alone giving birth to one...i dont think I could handle the responsibility,not now at least. I should definitely go to gym today,I need to work out..I have to. Over the couple of months I have gained 5 kgs...and i hate being fat. I hope that cute guy comes to gym today...im hoping. I love the way he looks at me and smiles...its like a dream, my heart flutters when he does. He makes me feel as if im the only girl at gym...


Oh well four more hours for work then gym Cant wait

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