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Well.. my two best friends are fighting. The one's wedding is in less than a year and the other's grandma is dieing, and then here i am stuck in the middle. They don't want me to be but thats kind of impossible. Crystal(the one getting married) has a party every year, so my bf and i went. Well, she informed me that Retha(my other best friend) was not going to be there because she had better things to do like going to cedar point(an amusement park in ohio) and that she had left a message on her cell phone. This all happened last weekend.


So yesterday i get a call from Retha, she's real friendly asked what i'd been up to, the regular. She tells me that the message crystal had left was a mean one and that crystal said she'd tried to call many times, BUT only one time showed up on Retha's caller I.D. She also tells me about her grandma which i sympothise because i lost mine last year to similar circumstances. Crystal had forgot her birthday last year as well.


I told Retha i had said some things at the party to crystal about her not being there only because i was wanting her there myself and she understood. Another thing was Retha always asked me to go to cedar point with her and she hadn't. Theres more but i'll keep it short.


Anyway, the problem i'm having is Retha says that she's too upset right now to talk to crystal and if she's going to be like that towards her that she doesn't think she should even be in her wedding because they're supposed to be friends. Retha and I are going to be bridesmaids by the way. (Yes i know i'll look sooo sexy with a pregnant belly in a bridesmaid gown, lol) I'm trying my hardest to stay out of all this but in the meantime i feel distant from both of them because i'm just tired of everything going on and i really don't need their problems when i have enough of mine own with the baby and my bf. So i guess i'm asking, do i just kind of ignore them till this blows over or what?

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I might try to explain that the other person may have a point or made a mistake and that anything they are fighting baout is basically stupid crap, get over it. Or if you don't think you can knock heads, ignore it. You cannot take sides. And I would be flat out about it. "I'm friends with you both, and I don't want to hear it, and I am not taking sides."

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Make sure that they both understand that you are friends with them both and that you aren't going to chose sides. You're willing to listen to each persons story but you don't want to be in the middle. Then you don't have to worry about either of them blowing up in your face. I wish you well with your baby.


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