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hey, this has been buggin me for a while now. well the thing is a have quite a few friends and they're alright to hang out with at times but i dunno i feel like they arent really there for me. its like I feel empty inside and like im wasting my time with them. Some of them have actually been there for me before but they've changed so much over the years that we have like nothing in common anymore and we dont talk very much its like if they have better things to do. What should i do?

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I think a lot of people find themselves in this situation - as you grow up, everybody moves in different directions and, although you're still friends... you're not really close anymore.


Perhaps you could take up a new hobby and meet people that way? Or, if there's something you enjoy doing maybe you could join a club/class? That way the new people you meet would probably have more in common with you - be following a similiar path in life as you

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I actually felt the same way for a while. My friends started moving on and doing things with other people and I was left at home to talk to myself.


You should try talking to the friend who is closest to you or someone that you trust and telling them how you feel. I told a few of my friends who werent as close how I felt and they misunderstood what I meant....then I told someone who did care for me a lot but we had been growing apart and she put a lot of effort into being there for me and making sure I wasnt lonely all the time.


I hope you dont feel lonely anymore...being lonely sucks.

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