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self inflicting pain (is it really that bad of a thing)

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me and my new girlfriend have been experimenting with pain. We dont cut our veins open or anything, but one thing we did do though is put salt on out bodies where the veins are and then hold ice on top. This small burn really makes the "making out experience" a lot better. This is another thing i love so much about this girl is that she is so much like me. I mean when something hurts like crap it sucks ass, but sometimes when you are in love, gentle pain can make the love better, its as if your showing your love with your pain. ive also read books about how pain can actually lead to pleasure, such as when you have a loose tooth and you wiggle it, even though it hurts you still do it, it makes you feel better to inflict pain on yourself. sometimes stretching your body can lead to the same thing. also biting, gentle bites on the earlobes, lips, neck, whatever help to stimiulate your sex drive and the other persons who is getting the pain. right now i have a big burn on my arm with blisters but everytime i think of my girlfriend i feel glad that i did it, (we did it to each other), is this considered a fetish? and does anyone else do this?

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the salt and ice thing can be fun, but be careful where you do it if your going to hold it on for long periods of time...(longer story, stupid friend who got bad burns)


I say, be careful with what you do, use common sense, that way you dont end up in an emergency room in a strange and embarrassing situation with a story like..."er...we were just....messing around....really...and it kinda happened..." (please use your imagination here)


sorry my protective nature makes me put that previous paragraph in, you see, my boyfriends mother is a nurse...and i get to hear stories from my boyfriend... yes...thats fun...

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