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Foursquare. Is it a warning sign in an early relationship?


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I am female senior college student and have been seeing this guy, an engineering major, on and off since late November. More of a makeout after a few drinks. I used to have such a huge crush on him before things started. I had a film class with him, played ultimate frisbee for a bit where I ran into him again, both times he had a girlfriend (I being creepy found out about the girlfriends through the grapevine). Well this past fall I struck up a conversation with single him while out and pretty soon one thing led to another, there was a drunken viewing of Space Jam, and making out. Another weekend more making out. And one more. After the third he has seemed so...super forward/clingy. Telling me he likes me so much blah blah blah and all I could think was "you hardly even know me?" The other night I gave him the benefit of the doubt and finally got together without alcohol in our bloodstreams to watch a film. I enjoyed being with him I suppose, he tends to shower me with compliments, which is interesting? I slept over (just slept and, well, I kissed him). I am a very critical person of myself and consequently of others and sometimes he does things that flat out make the vomit crawl up my throat. Like he posts foursquare stuff to his facebook about the most mundane things. Gross using it in the first place but seriously it's just bleh. Which makes me wonder if he is slightly off? I know I have stalkerish/socially unacceptable tendencies but at least I hide them like other normal people. Maybe it is because he is an engineer? He seems to be really into me and I don't really know what to do, because I feel like part of me enjoys it. He is sweet, seems to be up to do anything I'd like (as long as I bring it up), and physically attractive to me (I like the emaciated bearded sort). So I guess I was wondering if I'm being overly critical, should I give him a chance? Or should I just run for the hills? I've been in love one time, it took me a while to confess it to the guy and it ended horribly. He was quite the mental opposite to this engineering guy: a writer, head of our college's Amnesty group, eloquent. He was that secret sort of douche who I've cut off all ties with. Yes he was seeing other people. But I still miss his fervor or artfully feigned fervor for life. Now I feel like the engineer is basically a yellow lab in human form...Am I too judgy, what to do?

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From your writing, I'm guessing you really like art, english and anything sophisticated. Which is great. I think you'd probably enjoy him telling you how much he liked you if he said it in a more eloquent way, but it doesn't sound like the kind of guy he is.


I always think you should give people the benefit of the doubt and give it a go, but in this case, probably not.

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