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i don't know what feeling ive got but i think its lonlyness, because all my friends are so lucky to be pretty and do what they want when i cant or be anything like that, and when i see them with a boifriend or girlfriend i feel completely useless and worthless, like noone would ever love me if you know what i mean, meh just had to spill it somewhere, see ya.

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Don't worry about it ... you fully don't need a boyfriend or a girlfriend... as long as you have your friends it's ok...


Just have fun with them and one day when you least expect it You'll find someone fantastic who thinks you're fantastiv too


Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile and finds in your presense that life is worth while. so when you are lonely, remember it's true somebody somewhere is thinking of you.
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First of all if you think that you will never be loved or don't deserve it then, it won't happen. Somehow, when you honestly think this people pick up on it and it may even lead you to the wrong person.


I know this sounds dumb and perhaps you have heard it before, but you should really try to take up some hobby or do something that will give you more self confidence. Through learning to dedicate to something that you enjoy you will find that all other aspects will become positive as well.


This will take time so be patient and expect some fall backs, but also realize that those fall backs have some lesson to be learned within them so all is not lost as long as you accept it and keep your eyes open for the good that is soon coming.


I wish you the best of luck


Take care

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Yeah, I felt the same. I was 17 and never had a boyfriend, even though all my friends did. I had many boys who were friends, but never something serious like my friends did.


I wanted someone no one knew, someone who didnt have a history (or at least that my friends knew about). I wanted someone outside of my stupid clique-y school. THen I found him, and he was right in front of my eyes the entire time.



Did I mention we're getting married? Not for a while though! (AT least til I'm 23)

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