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what does she want? I'm confused

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I am in a very complicated situation with a girl who I have completely fallen in love with. I have just separated from my wife, she is still with her fiance. They are clearly not compatible, all of her friends tell her, they argue often and they never spend time together.


It has been clear since we met that we are very attracted to eachother. Since my separation our relationship has taken off, we spend all our time together, exchange emails all day, touch eachother a lot; massages we are going on holiday together, i'm even staying at their place over the weekends (I feel like I am being really sneaky).


The 'problem' is that we are both very flirtacious with everyone and it is difficult to tell if she is being serious. She has told me several times that she wants me, but it was said in such an off the cuff way I am not sure if I can take it seriously.


A few weeks ago she went out with a guy, and told everyone at work about it, often in front of me. It destroyed me, I tried to hide it, but I'm sure she noticed. She even had the nerve to tell me that if she left her man she wanted me. After her little adventure she even left (temporarily) her man.


Shortly after she asked me why I was so depressed, so I told her it was because I was jealous! A very awkward silence followed. But she continued to suggest that I could move in with her. Our relationship continues as it did before.


-After asking why she continues to work at our abusive work place she told me "because of YOU"


-on asking if she was concerned how much time we spend together, she said her boyfriend has confidence in her. and "anyway, if someone tempted her, so be it"


-she asked me if i was interested in her best friend, i said no. She said her friend is interested. I told her i thought of her like a friend and she offered to pass the message along to her friend. Does she think our relationship is like that as well?


-we read our horoscope compatibility together


It seems so obvious, she has told me outright. But at the same time she can be cold, is she trying to make me jealous, is she teasing me?


I know there is only one way to find out for sure. But, I am normally very, very confident with girls, but she reduces me to jelly. I don't know how to make my move, we always seem to be with other people, or it just isn't the right time or place.

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Hi Siliconpimp,


This girl is playing with you.


You sound like you are looking for a relationship that has meaning and return for what you put in. This girl wants you to get with her friend so that she can feel better about your relationship and so that her getting with other guys (which is what she seems to be into) can go ahead un hindered by your idealistic view of a relationship that I believe she has no interest in.


You are looking for the wrong relationship from the wrong girl. Shs sounds like a party girl - and you want something a lot more substantial for your relationship. I would advise you to get away from her as soon as possible.


Horiscopes are great and all, but they won't help you see the real situations before you. You don't sound compatible with this girl at the moment - and I think you should get away before she hurts you badly when you least expect it.


Hope this helps you some,



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