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I ask questions...But she doesn't have any questions in return...


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I recently met a girl on an online dating site. The weird thing is, she initiated contact first. Then she gave me her email, and we're talking now. We've been talking for about an hour, and I've asked every question so far, and shes asked nothing of me........ I can't imagine shes shy, considering she talked to me first/ gave me her email..... is there something im doing wrong?... Any advice would be great.

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Well its good to see my thread hasn't moved much XD . But Im kind of confused now. Im talking to the same girl, and things are still weird...


Sometimes, we'll have a great deep convo, then we can goof off and have wars on "who can create the most spaces down the page", then sometimes, shes very cold and uninterested. making short, predictable responses. Seriously, I find my self saying what she does, before she even says it.... A lot... It almost seems as though shes doing it on purpose, then we'll get into a fun/deep convo..... So Im really confused. For example, I asked her what she was up to, she said she was playing guitar/ singing, I asked her about it, showing general interest (Because I am interested..), Then I tell her I just went with my buddy to get his puppy, and she says........ "cool".............Not a "wow thats neat" or "what kind?".............just............. "cool". It just seems like she purposefully trying to seem uninterested..... If we never had fun or deep convos, then I'd obviously just screw off and forget it.... but we do..... Please help

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Haha! I know exactly what you mean and then some. Unfortunately this is killer for me when engaging conversation with females. It creates awkward silence, and a boring conversation. To keep a conversation rolling requires two people, not one. So don't feel bad....


I "met" this girl on a dating site last night and put her on my facebook. So we're talking, I'm asking her a bunch of questions, and I'm getting simple answers/replies with nothing back. I mean, I ask her where she works and she tells me "I work at this store". And that's it. She could have said something like "I work at this store, how about you?". That is essentially how the entire conversation went. She eventually said "You ask a lot of questions", which kind of pissed me off. Maybe if you could actually hold a conversation I wouldn't have to be playing the "host" of the game show.


It is really boring, and especially frustrating, when this happens. If a girl asked me where I worked, I would tell her, and then ask her where she works. From there I would ask if she likes it, she would ask in return, and then we would have a conversation roll from there for hours. I could easily take a conversation talking about work to talking about family, personal values, and pretty much anything else. It makes me irritated at times when I ask someone their thoughts, what they like to do, what's important to them, etc. and you only get a one worded answer/reply back.


Or, maybe it's a cheesy way to say "I'm not interested in you".

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I can only speak on my behalf here, but if I am not asking questions to a guy, its usually because I am not interested.


This is what I figured. I was pulling strings with this girl to get her to engage back in some sort of conversation. I would ask her where she worked, what she enjoys doing, what bands she likes, and she would answer but would never say "and yourself?" in return. An obvious sign she's not interested (or she's boring and has no idea how to maintain a conversation), but I suspect the first - not interested.


I suspect (and hope) this one is going to just fade away until either I delete her or she deletes me from facebook. I will probably just let it ride out and wait for her to delete me, besides I did all the hard work asking questions anyways.

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