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should i really be on the pill?

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When my boyfriend and I make love, we use a condom lubricated with spermicide. I also intend to chart my cycle and only have sex on the so called 'safe days'.


How effective is this method against a method like using the Pill and a condom? From looking at some research and statistics, I think the percentages of accidental birth are very similar for both situations, which makes me think that as I really dont want to go on the pill, this method will be ok. However, I would like other people's opinions. What do you think????




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there are other options. it's not just a case of either pill or a condom, or both combined. If you don't want to use the pill, don't. but don't put your trust in just a condom either. Bear in mind that they can split, be put on wrong etc etc etc


I use Implanon - it's a small matchstick sized rod which goes under the skin in your arm and releases the contraceptive over three years, and means i don't have to worry about remembering to take a pill - or worry if i've been ill that the effects of the pill are lessened.


look at all the options available before deciding to only use a condom - you'll feel more in control that way. and you can enjoy sex more without having to work out the most 'safe' times.



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I would not recomend that method since you are not totally sure when you ovulate unless you are using a basal thermometer and then you have to take your temp at the sametime every day before you get up say at 4am. It is a tricky thing and even expert charters can miss an ovulation. Also, your LP phase will always the be the same no matter when you ovulate. SO, I guess I am saying only use this method if you are ready to accept possible consequences.

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