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Sorry for the length of this, but I just don't think it all can be explained without it. Heres the story:


I have been going after this girl for maybe a month to 6 weeks now, and I thought things were going great, but now I'm just confused. Lets just call her Liz. Well I have know Liz since the beginning of last school year since we had a class together. Back then she had a boyfriend, but even then I was attracted to her, but I wouldn't do anything because I have known the guy since I was a kid and she seemed happy with him so oh well. The year progressed and they started fighting a lot and eventually they broke up. That summer she was in Mexico for most of it and when she came back she would run with me a lot, but then I didn't want any kind of relationship with her because I was going after this other girl (Maya). We would talk about Maya when we ran and I would ask her for advice and we would just talk about stuff that was going on. After a while we stopped hanging out though kinda lost our friendship i guess. (or the closeness)


The next year started and we had another class together and we would always have a lot of fun in there talking and we were pretty good friends. The stuff with Maya died (haha that was my last post here), and I became interested in Liz again. We started hanging out a lot again and I hear from one of her friends that she likes me. The problem though is that after we stopped hangin out I have always been really nervous around her, so I guess that kinda stopped stuff from happening. Nothing happened that time and things kinda died. We were still friends in that class though.


Well later that year, she came over one night when my parents were gone, as well as a bunch of m friends and some of her friends. That night i had a lot of fun just hanging out with her. So I kinda like her agian, so I talk to one of her friends on AIM and I find out that she feels the same way. This time I am determined to not let this slip through my fingers, so I make sure to be more aggressive. Well It worked and on valentines day I put a rose on her car and that night we ended up kissing right before she had to go. Things were going great. We started hanging out pretty much every day and she would always want to do stuff with me. We went to the beach one weekend with friends and pretty much couldnt keep our lips off of eachother's. Things between us were awesome. All next week we would just hang out in my room and make out and just have fun together.


Now heres the bad part. We then were both busy with school, so we did not get to hang out much after that. Well shortly after all of that whenever I asked her if she wanted to do something, she would say no. She alwyas had a good excuse, but if you really like someone I think that you would make an effort to be with them. After a while i just thought that she didnt like me anymore. I was really sad about this but still tried to be with her. Well last weekend i had a lot to drink and i thought to myself, self lets go find out what the deal is with liz. I kinda pissed her off a little (didnt realize it though, was just trying to have fun with her and joke with her but i guess i took it too far). We kinda drifted apart and now it seems as if we arent even friends (in person, online we talk a lot). But then a day or so after that i hear from her friend that she wants me to take her to prom.


So not im really confused. I do like her a lot, and i have no idea what she thinks about me. I hear from her friends that she thinks i am mad at her and thats why she is acting like this. What is going on?

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After reading your post, I really think you should call her up and tell her how you feel. There is no better way to express your feelings, and it seems to me your feelings for her are great. Apologize for pissing her off while somewhat drunk that night and just start to talk to her again like you used to. You have had good times together in the past so there is obviously chemistry between you which is great. I think if you call her up, talk to her a bit more, maybe try and find a time when both of you can hang out and just chill. I hope this advice helps and keep me posted with results. Take care!



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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for your help guys. I really appreciate it. I know its been a while, but here's how things are going:

I invited her to prom when we were both at a party about a week or two ago. She said yes which is great. We both have a different group of friends, so the dinner before prom we are going with her friends and then to some guys house (since we will all be a little thirsty). Then prom and afterprom, and then we are taking a limo to galveston (beach in texas close to houston where i live). Galveston is going to be with all of my friends. (we compromised) We plan to quench our thirst all night and just have fun. Since we do have some friends that are good friends with both of us, I hear from one of them that she is willing to give me head, and the other saying she said she will have sex with me. Even though with that sentence she really sounds like a slut, i can assure you that she is not a slutty girl at all. She has had a few drunken nights where she did some things she has regretted, but overall she is not a slut. Im really not concerned with all of that (yeah it will be fun, but thats not the only reason i like her), but wouldn't that mean she liked me? I could not see a girl doing that to a guy she didnt like. What do yall think?

Some notes: I am pretty shy and she kinda is too. especially around me i think. She wont let me buy her her prom ticket and pay for her stuff, even though i have offered. (kinda makes me feel bad) We have been getting closer this past week which has been nice, but im still nervous around her. Its weird because i am good at flirting with girls, but i just cant with her, i dont know why. Theres just something about her that keeps me attracted to her. We are both seniors, but we are both going to the same college (not because we want to be together, just because we both want to go there), so that could not hinder a relationship. Things are just weird because even though she didnt have much ambition to be with me before(and i know she wanted to), it is even worse now, which confuses me as to what she thinks about me. As you see I am still confused, but i plan to figure it out all this weekend. I need some help with that too. Since we are probably going to share a bed, i'll just talk to her there. I need something to say but I always screw up and get nervous during stuff like this. I was thinking about just asking her what she thought about me, and then telling her that i really liked her and wanted to know if she was interested in a relationship (nothing serious). Do yall have any good "speeches" that would work good in a situation like this? Any ideas on what to say since i really suck at this? Yall can even type it out for me im so bad at this (im not kidding).


i really appreciate your help guys. Im sorry for the lenght of this post but i start writing and just get carried away. thanks again, you guys are great. please help though since this is happeneing really soon.



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