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Beautiful waitress, wondering if she likes me


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So there is the waitress, and every time I go in she seats me and asked how I am, which I know she's just being friendly as part of her job, but after I have eaten and I go up to the front to pay for my meal, if she's the one that checks me out, she alway asks, "so, what are you out doing today?" or, "you have to work today, or do you have the day off?" Which makes me think maybe she is hinting around. Or sometimes, someboby else will check me out, but she'll always come over to talk to me, and ask what I'm doing or say, "bye, have a good day". The other day, a guy checked me out, and she came over again, asked what I was out doing, I told her, I had the day off, and that I started taking Argentine tango lessons, and that's where I'm going, she seemed really interested, saying, it sounded exciting, and she asked me a couple questions. I left telling her to have a good day and she told me to have fun at tango classes. So my question to all of you, who read this, what do you all think, does it sound like she is just being a friendly waitress, or could she be interested in me? And she's interested, I would like to ask her out but don't know how to go about it....

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When I waitressed in a lounge, I had some regulars that I always would talk about life with, and I sincerely was interested in their stories. I'd joke with them tons too. I wasn't interested though.


It can be hard to tell - I think the biggest cue could come from watching her friends at work. Do they all give her a knowing smile after she finishes talking with you?

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When I waitressed in a lounge, I had some regulars that I always would talk about life with, and I sincerely was interested in their stories. I'd joke with them tons too. I wasn't interested though.


It can be hard to tell - I think the biggest cue could come from watching her friends at work. Do they all give her a knowing smile after she finishes talking with you?



I haven't noticed. There's only one other female server and everyone else are men. Other times it is just her. But, this last time when the guy was checking me out, she wasn't anywhere by the register, and when the guy asked to see my I.D. because I pay with my debit, out of know where there she was, saying, " I wouldn't trust him, his I.D is fake". And when I mentioned the tango classes, she seemed overly excited, saying, "wow! That sounds exciting! that would be fun! so, do you get all dressed up when you go out?"

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Hmmm. Its a tough call then. Part of being a server (depending on what kind of place you serve at) includes being flirtatious and friendly. Of course, its possible she does have a thing for you, but there's really no way of knowing outright unless one of you pushes things further. You could try flirting a bit more with her and seeing if she reciprocates, perhaps?

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Ask her if she wants to do something.


Since she seemed interested in the Tango classes, I was thinking of asking her if she wanted to go to a class with me. Or, should I ask her if she wants to talk over coffee first and if that goes well, then ask her if she wants to go to class with me? I'm terrible when it comes to this kind of stuff.

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So, I went in today. This time a guy seated me over in his area. The waitress came over out of nowhere and asked, "so, how was your dancing?", and then asked a couple more questions about it. So I asked if she works every Sunday, she said yes. I said, oh, cause I wanted to see if you want to go with me. She said she doesn't know, she's not too good at dancing, I told her that's part of the fun, she said, yeah, then she looked at the guy server and told him he should go to the class, because he sounded interested in rlthe hot Argentine women. So I figured that was her way of saying nicely, she isn't interested, but when I went up to pay the guy checked me out and again she made her way over, I looked at her, made eye contact and gave a little smile, to which she replied. I was thinking of what to say, or if I should say anything at all, because I was still thinking she isn't interested, and again she asked, so you have to work today? I told her I had the day off, we talked a bit more, and the whole time she was checking her hair, and fixing it. I always hear, and read about when a woman is talking with a guy she likes they unconsciously will fix their hair. Is thats true? But anyways not knowing what to say, I just left again telling her to have a good day.

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If her co-worker is always right there then it sounds like it might be hard to get a straight answer out of her. Can you get a flyer for Tango the class? I say get one and write a quick note on it like "I really think you should try this! It'd be fun!" and maybe your number and leave it there for her. Don't give it to her just go in and ask another waiter to give it to her and leave.


When I waited tables if a guy hit on me at my table or in front of co-workers it was always a little awkward...but this one guy he was at another table he like my looks and asked his waitress if I was single she said yes so he just wrote his cell number on a business card and gave it to her to pass on to me. I called him and we dated for a good while before I had to move far away. The point is a more private note might be a better apporach b/c she seemed more shy with others around. but she didn't shoot you down or say she had a bf....so it may just work....you won't know if you don't try.

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She's a waitress she can switch with someone or get someone to cover her shift for one Sunday if she wants to.


If you like the note idea just do that the next time you go in. "Let's talk over coffee" and your number ...short and to the point and she'll know you want to get to know her outside where she works.

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