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She dont want to be in a relationship anymore

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2 and half years ago I meet somone special, She had jst come out of a 6 year relationship that could of killed her her ex was very abusive and liked to beat on her alot she was traped with mean barstard for for six long years, she lost all her friends and family over the years because she never left him butt what they dont understand is that she wasent allowed to leave , she has also been raped a few times, when i meet her she was very fradgile, weak and still hurting over her passt, I helped her get back up on top of things again and showed her that not all men are beaters and that gave her a great feeling of sercurity. 2 years later she has not dealt with her past and alot of problems were starting to present them selves and this was afeacting our relationship directly I started getting hit and pritty much treated how she was treated by her abusive xpartner. she is now severly depressed and not really coping with life ingeral she also in not getting the help that she needs. Her family dont offwer much surport as thaey are quit far away and have other things to worry about. I love her I love her and cant seem to get it togeather I really want to help her and also be with har we gave each other a new understanding of life

and mine is meaningless without her in it.

Do i wait for her to get better

Do I move on and let her get on with life

Help me please somebody I need this wounderfull laddy in my life im ###### losing it and not sure how long I can keep it togeather I really need some possitive advice and feed back Befor my soul dies along with my broken heart?

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Wow, I think all you can do is be there for her by listening to her and providing support. I wouldn't recommend trying to fix her problems. Gently move her towards psychotherapy.


Your girlfriend has been through significant trauma and abuse and really needs help. It'll be impossible to develop a relationship with a partner this badly battered.


If you can help her get her through therapy and recovery then she will love you for it.

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i agree with ragingbull her traumatic past has left her severely emotionally scarred. I understand you want to be there for her, but u also need to get her some professional help. she needs it. alongwith that you can help her by simply being there for her

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Today is a new day a great day.


Thanks for your posts guys everything helps at a time like this.


My ex and I have spoken for the first time in a week she tells me that she wants no contact until she is ready to c me, I guess thats so we dont break down in front of one another, and she reasured me that she doesent want me out of her life all togeather as we are really close friends

(that made my day).


I really want to help her as under all the anger and pain ther is this awsome chick jst waiting to burst out and enjoy life.


Ragingbull you mentioned somethuing of Gently move her towards psychotherapy, How can I do this , any talk of her problems have potenal to blow up in my face and quit possibly ruin any chances I have of fixing this????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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Shatering news


The x jst rang and informed me that she does not want any contact at all , I asked why , she went quit, and I said to her, ther is somone else ay, she went quit again, and then replyed yes AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I burst into tears and hung the phone up and jumped online. I cant believe she did this to me, The wost thing of all is that the other guy its her freakin violent abusive ex boyfriend I dont now how he came back in to the pitcher butt that sneaky minipulative little ####. Im now really worried for her and not to sure what to do.


Im so upset and angry I cant stop cryin.

Im a nervous stressed out reck.

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I did so much for this chick sh#t i mean i devoted the last 2 and a half years of my life to her, and she hates me, in my first post i did not mension what happened and why we broke up in the first place, it was a small dissagrement that led to some harsh things been said, one of witch I said her family dont like her thats why they are so far away, not the kind of thing to say to a depressed chick ###### stupid of me ay, well anyway thats why she hates me, but i still dont understand why she went back to the abusive ex especaily after only a week, its messed up cause we got on da piss and sleept togeather at the beging of the week and she told me she wants it to work, Im such a sucker she used me dont get me rong i loved the sex but it hurts to now we did this and then a week later she hates me iv done more for her in the past few years than anyone has in her life F##k im messed up

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I know it is tough, but you have to hang in there. Forget about her and focus on yourself now. There will be someone out there much better who will NOT treat you like this. You are a genuine person and deserve much more than this. I more than loved the sex with my ex, but in the end, I realized that sex is only a part of a relationship, albeit a big part of it, but not all of it. Begin the NC rule and take care of yourself. I promise you, life will get better with time and soon you will realize that she is not worth the trouble. Good luck to you and please, feel free to PM me if you need a friend.

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