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Ok this is really dumb but my girlfriend went to Japan for the summer (She wont be back until the end of August) and before she left we where talking about calling (She can only call me because she is moving from hotel to hotel) and how we would write letters to each other and all that (She has a grandma there that she stops in on frequently to pick up and drop off mail). But its been a little over four weeks since she has left and I haven't gotten a single letter or phone call and the only way I can reach her is her grandma's address so I have mailed some letters but no reply and I am wondering what to do. I am also worried I want to know she is OK but there is no real way for me to know unless I hear from her. Now I am sure she is really busy having fun and all but we have been dating for some time now and she always finds time no matter what she is doing to talk with me or write me an email or something of the sort. A little advice is all I need thanks.

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alright...first of all...calm down..im sure shes having fun..she may have posted 2 you..but you know what post men are like..you jsut cant count on them. As for phoning..THATS COSTS LOADS!!!!! i wouldn't expect a phone call...i say you should go out with some mates to the pub or someting..and keep yourself busy..she'll be fine believe me! if you need to talk further privite messege me

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Yep she is obviously having fun. And probably has no time for calling and/or no money for calling. Im sure a call from japan to were your at cost alot. Just be happy that she is having fun. Shes lucky she gets to go to japan. Im sure nothing happen to her thats a slim to none chance anyways.




But I want to go to Japan That sounds fun

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  • 4 weeks later...

OK, I understand everybody's position on her having fun, but four weeks? C'mon....it's not that expensive to call. The only reason I can figure "no contact whatsoever" is if she doesn't see the relationship the way you see it. Not to worry you or anything, that's not the reason for my reply, but if you two have been seeing each other for longer than six months there is no reason---short of something awful (again, not to worry you)---for her not even letting you know she is OK.


When you eventually hear from her, however, don't make a big deal of her not calling or writing you. Just listen to what she has been doing all this time and then in a very casual, joking manner ask what happened to all of the letters and phone calls you talked about. Her excuses will tell you volumes.


I hate to be the spoiler in all of this but even I called my GF of four months at least once when I was overseas for a week.

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