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How bad depression is and how people dont understand it

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Well some people ask me how can depression actually be that bad and how can it effect u.They just dont understand it and they think that people r weak who cant control it but we cannot its an imbalance in the mind of seratonin and the tranfser of it between neurotransmitters.

Im just gonna talk about a story that involves depression.Well a couple of months ago me and my friends went out with my friend john on his birthday and 2 girls which one was johns gf.That night the other girl never really seemed attracted to me or anything and she put most of her attention at my friend richard.I came home that night feeling pretty down but not way to down.Well my friends set me up to go out with her again saying that she prolly didnt like my friend richard and she said he was short or something so i felt ok and went out with her,my friend john and his gf.We were gonna meet up with my friend richard and his friends at the 12 o clock showing of spider man.Well everything was going ok till i started to run out of ways to try to start conversation so she was prolly not having that swell of a time although my friend john like hardly talks at all.Well we got to the spider man 2 showing and she sat away by the other guys laughing and having a great time while i felt alone and stupid just wanting to go home.We got their early at about 10 2 hours before spider man 2.

So i walked around the theatres parking lot since it wa so huge.Just thinking to myself maybe i was never ever suppose to have a gf or someone to love.Maybe god just wants other people to have those types of relationships and mayeb im just soem peon who was sent here to fight for my country and die for no exciting life at all.IN depression u feel so hopeless i felt nothing at all but pain.Its true pain and it doesnt feel good at all it feels like theres nothing inside and something is yanking at you it does not feel good.So I did that for 2 hours feeling bad about myself and feeling just really really pathetic, i just couldnt help it depression makes u feel so extremely hopeless.I went into watch the movie and i sat away from the bunch in the front row.I got home and i jsut laid on my bed for 15 minutes feeling like one of the most pathetic things on this planet.Depression affects u badly and dont think its something people like us can cope with without drugs because i need these.Its true pain that hurts u on the inside its a horrible feeling that has ate me away on the inside for the last 7 years.It brought me to trying to commit suicide a couple of weeks ago it sux.Just wondering if other people feel the same way sometimes just really down?


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To be a little bit more accurate... a lot of depression does result from a chemical imbalance in the brain. The important thing to remember is that not all ppl who are clinically depressed have a chemical imbalance. Unfortunately society has come up with this quick fix for people by overmedicating them. Don't get me wrong, there are a few ppl that need to be on medication...but the majority of ppl on medication don't need to be on it. The most popular therapy type of therapy for depression is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). In a nutshell, this type of therapy is used to correct the maladaptive thoughts that lead to maladaptive behaviors, and the maladaptive behaviors that lead to maladaptive thoughts. The most important thing is that people who are on medication MUST HAVE the therapy component to go with it. It is still unknown if depression causes the actual chemical imbalance, or if the chemical imbalance causes the depression.


These maladaptive thoughts are the negative self talk that you experience. The constant putting down of yourself... leads you to be more depressed. It is a very viscious circle that just keeps going round and round. Being depressed also narrows down your own thought process. People who are depressed think there is only one thing wrong with a given situation, and that is something that they said, or did. One of the biggest things about depression, that reinforces it, is that people do pick up on that depression. People do sense that there is something unconfident, insecure, or "off" about the person that is depressed. This leads most ppl to back off....and this reinforces the depressed person that there is "something wrong with them"


I assume that you are seeing a psychiatrist...? I really hope so....so that they can also help you deal with the feelings that you are having. They can give you tools to help you stop the negative and self destructive cycle that you are stuck in. It is very difficult to be dealing with depression. Please talk to your psychiatrist about your feelings...try and make more appointments of possible. The most important thing is that you only get out what you put in. Be completely honest with your psychiatrist....they are there to help you. I am not sure of your history...but I hope the medication that you were perscibed wasn't through a family physician. Take care...and have hope!

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right now im sure life seems like it sucks..but stick around, things can be really great. it's through the hard times that we grow and learn, but eventually they too will pass. you are not alone, remember that. soon the dark clouds will lift, just keep your head up. life is too precious and has too much to offer, you just can't see it right now. so please reconsider. people do care about you, never underestimate your worth. . take care and please message me if you want.




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