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I'm a 22 year old male, and I am thinking about getting cosmetic surgery to correct my protruding ears. My self esteem has taken a pretty big hit from the 'jokes' over they ears...


Honestly, what do you think of people who get this done? If people find it bizzarre and wouldn't want anything to do with me, I think I would be worse off than before - although not by much, since I'm pretty reclusive already.


Thank you!


P.S. Is it just me, or does this smiley look like a car salesman?

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I don't think many people would look down on you for it these days. If you could be really reclusive when you did it, no one might notice it was done.


My father has had hair transplants, which look terrible for the first few days, but he hides or hides his head and nobody really noticed.


Myabe you could plan it around a vacation, let your hair be longer for sometime before so you ears were covered, get it done and come back with it healed, for the msot part.

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I think that if it makes you feel better about yourself - Go ahead! If you look in the mirror and see a problem than why not? However, if you are doing it based on others opinion, I would think alot on it. I would not worry about other peoples reactions to getting it done either. It's not like you have to include the fact that you had it done when introducing yourself.

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i agree with shylah if u are doing it for u then go for it but if u are doing it because of what other people think then don't. if u are doing it just because of others its stupid because they may say 'u have big ears' u change them in surgery and they say something like 'actually i preferred how your ears were before' your gonna feel like a right idiot arent you so my advice is to do it just because you want to, not because of someone else's opinion.

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If you think it would make you feel happy, then go for it. If you think it will make somebody else happy then don't.


Remember that no one is perfect and that the people usually 'taking the mick' are themselves insecure about themselver, thus the teasing.


Cosmetic surgery is the 'in' thing today, but only do it for the right reasons. Think about this, after you have had your ears done, will there be anything else you want doing?


good luck with whatever you decide.

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That type of cosmetic surgery is totally understandable, if not commendable. For the most part it's children who have this done well before the age of 9 or 10, but unfortunately you've had to live with it for many years longer than that.


What you're considering is no different than getting braces to straighten out crooked teeth.

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