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Question for the guys

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It would depend. At 18, I think I started to get a clue, but at 17, I did not have one at all. The idea she liked me might be in my head, but I might not act on it. There are ways to make it easier for him to act on it.


When you talk to him, and you should try to just have a conversation, flirt, laugh and touch him, then at the end tell him you have fun talking to him, she how he reacts. If he has a positive reactions from a blush to a swagger, then tell him "we should do it more often." He should be getting a clue by then, but if he is not maybe you should just either tell him, or you have onoe more short of doing that, and you might not want to do it right away, when you are elaving, give him a quick peck, not square on his lips, but jsut touching the corner of his mouth.

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You just never know. She might, but she might not. She might look at you the same way she looks at anyone else that walks within a certain proximity. You cannot rely solely on a girl glancing at you, you need to pick up more clues when you converse with her and so forth, like touching, smiling, etc. Good luck

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If every time you walked by a girl (a girl that you've talked to a couple of times in casual conversation) and she was looking/glancing at you what would you think? Would you be freaked out? Or would you take it as a hint that she liked you?

Everytime? Somewhere in the back of my head I would be thinking "she might like me". But I would play it down by coming up with a bunch of reasons to counter that, both her looking at me, and her liking me.

Like maybe there's some other guy that I always just happen to be by.


I agree with the above poster about just a look not being a enough for guys. Touching him, smiling at him, might clue him in. BUt some guys like me remain clueless from that, or think she could oly be interested in friendship or whatever. The whole "this is too good to be true/happening" complex.

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well for me, i mean if a girl looks at me a certain way, i mean i dont know what it is but i can tell if its because she likes me. like you know sometimes when you look around and your eyes cross paths,(not like that) like where they are purposly looking at you. then i would be like, what up baby. lol

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