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Penis Question.

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Alright...I am 16 and my penis is about 6-6.5 inches long. I am kinda nervous that this length might not be big enough to satisfy a girl during sex. I would be happier if it was a little bigger. I think 9 inches would make a girl happy and i wouldn't really mind having an 9 inch penis. I was just wondering if anyone knew of any male enhancment pills that actually showed results to help me achieve my 9 inch goal. I've read about exercise's that you can do but i'm not to crazy about pulling my penis around and twisting it into pretzels. If anyone has some advice i'd appreciate it. thanks.

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hey um...6-6.5? WOW, you should be estatic, and you're 16, you'll probably still grow a bit. im a girl as you can see, and i think if a guy was longer than that i would be scared to let it go anywhere lol. seriously that length is very good. btw, length has nothing to do with satisfying a girl, its all in our heads sorta like breast size i guess. as long as its at least 3 inches, thats enough...but i think 6 inches is actually considered perfect, maybe 7 but THATS IT. lol, so dont worry, you're actually kinda lucky!

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Hi el_suave07, this has been discussed before too, please see


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lol Kamurj. I told u it should stay as a sticky. Already had 2-3 questions on penis size these last couple of weeks


Only j/k, u guys do a fine job. Keep it up (no pun intended )

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