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Sign. Other somewhat like father figure?

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Have any of women here gone out with a guy to find out later that he is A LOT like your father? Haha, I was kinda creeped out when I noticed this but it seems to be a comman thing. I just hope I can get over it because my dad is rather unemotional. But then again I tend to go for the dark, brooding, love me type of guys

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My bf is like an exact image of my dad. How that happened i have no idea because usually i went for everthing except that. I used to go for the "bad boys" who i thought i could make better, but we all know you can't change people and i learned the hard way. Anyway, from being picky about what he eats to liking orange trucks, theres always something new about my bf that i find out and it reminds me of my dad. In a way it can be annoying, but also good if you like how your dad is. Mine is very loving and supportive and my bf also has those qualities which i consider myself very fortunate to have him.

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This is common. As we grow up we pattern our "perfect match" after our opposite sex parent to some greater or lesser degree. This is what is "comfortable" to us and what "fits".


I am not a great fan of Freud, but I have to give him some credit in this area (the Oedipus/Electra Complex) and this is resloved and carries into adulthood.



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My x-x-boyfriend looks exactly like my dad: same facial features, same body shape, both suffer from eczema ... In the beginning I was kind of shocked, particularly sometimes when we were lying in bed and he was sleeping and I could tell how much he looked like my dad. They could be twin brothers if they were the same age ! Just like my dad, he was extremely supportive, nice, and had all the qualities I look for in a man.


It is funny to say that I look a lot like his mom too, although mostly the hair colour and the body shape, we kind of have different facial features.


The most strange is also that we both met in a small university in North America while we come from the same small town in Europe, a really small town. Actually, I think I've already seen him over there when we were kids.

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