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my ex sent me an email on the 2nd saying he should be finding out later that night when he could hire a removal van for. i didnt reply, thinking he'd just send another email saying if he'd booked it or not, but he hasnt gotten back to me. i cant move on properly til he gets his stuff, and i told him not to just show up unannounced as i want to make sure my daughter (and probably myself) are out of the house whilst he packs up. should i just assume he didnt get the van booked yet and wait for him to get in touch or email asking if hes sorted it yet? by the way i want to keep the NC going, i just dont want him showing up without advance warning.

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Stop the damn games. Let him get his stuff. Do NC after that.


It is usually the person who has stuff there who plays the games and delays things. OP - you should get a person that you both trust to be at the house while he gets this things. This way, you can continue NC and he can get his things. Give him a choice... this date...or this date... is good for me. Our friend "Joe Bloggs" will be there to let you in. Please confirm which date works for you. Hiring a removal van is not like landing on the moon. He is just mucking you around...

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It is usually the person who has stuff there who plays the games and delays things. OP - you should get a person that you both trust to be at the house while he gets this things. This way, you can continue NC and he can get his things. Give him a choice... this date...or this date... is good for me. Our friend "Joe Bloggs" will be there to let you in. Please confirm which date works for you. Hiring a removal van is not like landing on the moon. He is just mucking you around...


Well in that case, if he is playing games with getting his stuff, I would give him a deadline. If the * * * * isn't picked up by that time, sell it, give it away, or simply throw it in the trash. Done!

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Stop the damn games. Let him get his stuff. Do NC after that.


are u kidding, i WANT him to get his stuff! maybe you should read posts properly before you respond to them. my problem is that it doesnt take 2 weeks to hire a removal van and im starting to think hes not even trying to get it done.

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Stop the damn games. Let him get his stuff. Do NC after that.


are u kidding, i WANT him to get his stuff! maybe you should read posts properly before you respond to them. my problem is that it doesnt take 2 weeks to hire a removal van and im starting to think hes not even trying to get it done.

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Why don't you just simply ask him if he was able to find a moving van and whether he figured out a date to pick up his things, so that you can make appropriate arrangements?


I wouldn't worry about NC while you are figuring out business and logistics. This is something that has to be discussed and if the only contact you two have is about this, then there's no worry.

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Why don't you just simply ask him if he was able to find a moving van and whether he figured out a date to pick up his things, so that you can make appropriate arrangements?


I wouldn't worry about NC while you are figuring out business and logistics. This is something that has to be discussed and if the only contact you two have is about this, then there's no worry.


thanks, i suppose it has to be done as much as i dont want to contact him. i think i'll leave it another 2 days, if i dont hear from him by then i'll ask if he's sorted it yet. i knew he was lazy but this is becoming a joke.

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