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Need some experts advice on this one!!!!!

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Well the girl I gave my phone number to, I asked for her to call me, didn't call me this weekend and I kinda gave her a hint that I wanted to be friends. I meant that I liked her really . So now I feel like Now I have to go to school on Monday and see everyone!!!??? Did I mention I am very shy??!! So what should I say to her?? I mean non of my friends am a hint I liked her. I mean is it she doesn't want to be friends, or doesn't like m, or is it she forgot?? Her dad is one of the teachers too . Thanks!!!! (I'm under alot of pressure and need any help!!)

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Hello Sniper.


When you go to school on monday, act like nothing ever happened, act like you totally forgot about giving her your phone number. be cool like it doesnt even bother you and could care less.


If she says something about it, like, Oh Im sorry my dog ate the paper with your phone number on it, just say, Ahh what number? oh that! oh forgot about that, good thing you didnt call, I had to go out and you wouldnt have reached me anyway. so you still need my number?


Be cool, good luck!

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You certainly have gotten yourself bent out of shape over this haven't you. Do not worry about it too much, if it was meant to be, it will all come together accordingly. I am not saying that you shoul not worry at all, just don't get totally bent about the situation. Don't worry about being shy, you already got over one of the larger hurdles, which is starting a relationship with her. Though the hardest part is yet to come, which is asking her out. As for going to school tomorrow and seing everybody, what are you worried about? Yuo liked a girl, so you ttalked to her, what can they say about that???


As for the post itself, if you choose to use emotions in your post, write the word as well, for sometimes is hard to understand what you are conveying. Also, try not to make your message so broken and gramatically correct. By the way, what do you mean about her dad being a teacher? Is this a good thing or not?


Good Luck!!!

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