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Is running important in your workouts?

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i was just woundering if i should incorporate running/and or jump rope in my workouts? Im mostly focusing on upper body, but my friends tell me you should also run and if you can't run you should jump ropre. Should i be jump roping or does it not really matter?

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my suggestion for better cardio-vascular fitness would be to do a lot more walking rather than doing a bit more running. If you start walking to work/school/uni/town wherever you usually go by car/bus then you will start to feel a lot more healthier.

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If you are able to get your hands on an elliptical trainer, I would suggest so.


Elliptical trainers are amazing for cardio workouts because it is low-impact (meaning you will not put as much pressure on your joints as you would when you run). Moreover, your workout can be as intensive as you want it to be on the elliptical.



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If you just want to get bigger then running won't help one bit. Body builders avoid all cardio when "massing up." It's because cardio is counterproductive to muscle growth. You burn calories and if your calorie deprived you're body will burn fat AND muscle. Just look at long distance runners, they don't very muscular do they?


Now it's not impossible to gain mass and do cardio at the same time--just look at spinters. But you should do cardio because it's good for your health and good for your heart, not because it will get you bigger. But in the same regard--and I should take my own advice--you shoudl also work your lower body. I know it's not what you're looking for, but you're back and legs are giant muscle groups. You can gain a lot of mass, and get more cut due to all the calories burned from mantaining the new muscle. People always neglect the legs and all serious weightlifters laugh at those pepople.


But back to your quesiton. I don't know why you're friends think you should incorporate cardio into your workout. Some would say no, depending on your goals. But I would recommend donig it because it's good for your heart. That's why I do it. It's nice to have a 32" waist and 16" bicepts, but it doesn't seem right if you can't run 4 miles without passing out.


To get big you need to lift big with low reps (7-10 reps/set) and I can't emphasize this enough: NUTRITION, NUTRITION, NUTRITION!

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well iv skateboarded hardcore for about 6-7 years so my legs are very good shape. Thats why im not really worried about lower body as much, even though some time soon i will have to start working out lower body as well as upper. I know running won't bulk me up. but i was woundering if it was necessary to gain muscle just because people told me it's important. But i guess as you said its not important to bulking up, and i figured tha twas true. I have seen long distance running and etc and they are muscular but very slim.


But should i purchase a jump rope and workout with that anyways? What will that mostly do? I know it will keep my healthier and get my blood and heart pumping but muscle wise will it do anything for me? Like encrease biceps, tri's, pecks, abs?????


(im only 16, waist 36, and i wont be runing 4 miles anytime soooon ) I can barely run a mile without passing out man, so im not aiming to win the marathon

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I don't know that much about body chemistry. But I think I'm safe in saying that jumping rope will do NOTHING to build your upper body. Even the few upper body muscles you're using when you jump rope won't get bigger at all due to jumping rope. I mean how do your friends think jumping rope will help your upper body.


But the way it will work is you're going to try and make improvements to you're exercise and diet and you'll do things flat out wrong or just won't make the best changes. For example, your attitude towards cardio doesn't look good--especially if you have a 36in waist. Believe me, I was in the same situation as you. But one day I just got on the treadmill and ran slow but long. I hit 4 miles. There are lots of types of cardio you can do. I do recommend doing it.


You do sound like a newbie. And trust me, I'd imagine 80% of the population (this board included) have the wrong idea about 70% of diet and exercise. Check out some books, go to the bookstore, go to the alt.fitness.weights newsgroup and check out the FAQ. Once you understand terms like:


-Ketogenic diet

-ECA Stack

-BF% and lean body mass


-Glycogen loads (high GI foods)

-Power lifts/isolation



you'll make more progress than 90% of the people who undertake diet or exercise. Most of the population is stupid when it comes to nutrition and diet and don't even know it. Do research. Learn what works FOR YOU. If it doesn't work, change what you're doing. It took me probably 3 years to find out how my body responds to various workouts and diets. But it's payed of, I have 10lbs of muscle more than last year and 3% less body fat, and I workout far less than the gurus on alt.fitness.weights.


Good luck.

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Is 36 fat, because if so Im not fat at all. Im as in shape as you can get for 16. Im not really bulcky but have good muscle mass and tone. I haven't had to work out hard, i have an athletic body overall. Not fat at all. 6'0 and 160 lbs. Not to bad i'd say. Most us teenagers dont know much about working out except bench, curl, and etc. But i just dont feel like cardio is THAT important since im in good shape. I didnt know 36 waist is fat. Is that what u were saying?


tredmill wise i can run like a dog, lol. I know i have spent half hour periods just running tred so its not hard at all. Im not talking slow im talking moderate-fast lvl. So i know i can do it , but i just dont feel like its that important for me right now.

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Sorry, I didn't know you were 6 ft. You're probably not fat. But a 36 in waist probably isn't ideal either. If you dont have a six pack then you're probably not to ideal anyways.


And treadmills can go up to 15mph sometimes. But if 30 minutes at a slow pace is easy for you, then do it. Up the speed/distance until you can just barly complete 2-4 miles.


Good luck!

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